Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (2024)

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (1)

The idea for a gluten-free version of The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day started here on the website. People were writing in to say they loved the method, but couldn’t eat wheat. It set off a quest to develop recipes that fit this fast and easy method but used flours that were gluten-free. Gluten-free breads have appeared in all of the books since then, but they were just small chapters among a bunch of wheat filled recipes. It seemed unfair to the folks who couldn’t eat wheat to buy a book filled with recipes that didn’t suit their needs, so… a book just for them. Last week Gluten-Free Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day came out–here is its Master Recipe.

There’s been great feedback from the original gluten-free recipes, but what you see here is even further simplified. That meant developing two flour mixes that all our recipes are based on, so you just have to mix the flour once for many loaves. You just mix up a big batch of our Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour Mix and/or our Whole-Grain Gluten-Free Flour mix and you’ll be able to quickly mix and bake all 90 gluten-free artisan bread recipes in our book. (Commercial flour mixes haven’t worked well for breads made from stored dough).

I also wanted to provide recipes that are mostly vegan (no eggs) and dairy free. Because eggs are a leavening ingredient, we do like the Master Recipe made with eggs for a lighter loaf. In fact, we find that the dough made with egg whites is the lightest of all the options. You can also use an egg substitute if you choose not to use eggs. And as always with the method, you save time by mixing a large batch and storing it in the refrigerator, pulling off dough to use as you need it.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (2)

The following recipe is the Master Recipe from GFABin5 made with egg whites, but you can make the same recipe with whole eggs, egg substitutes or without any eggs at all.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (3)

Gluten-Free Master Recipe from Gluten-Free Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Dayonpage 64,and theegg variation can be found on page 73). For a video of this recipe’s steps that’ll open in a new window, click here):

6 1/2 cups (2 pounds 3 ounces / 990 grams) flour mixture #1 from the book, which is reprinted at this link.We tested all our recipes with Bob’s Red Mill unblendedflours, not their gluten-free flour mixtures.

1 tablespoon Red StarActive Dry or Quick Rise yeast (not Red Star Platinum, which isn’t gluten-free)

1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons Kosher salt

2 tablespoons sugar or honey (we find that the gluten-free dough needs the sugar to brown nicely, although it is optional)

4 egg whites, plus enough warm water to equal 3 3/4 cups (*see picture below) – if you don’t want to use eggs, then just use 3 3/4 cups water.

To mix the dough:

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (4)

*Put 4 egg whites in a large measuring cup, fill the cup with water until you have 3 3/4 cups liquid.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (5)

I suggest using a Stand Mixer with the paddle attachment for the smoothest dough and ease of mixing. You can still do the mixing in a bucket or bowl, as recommended in the past books, but it will take a bit more effort to get a really smooth dough.

In a stand mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, add the yeast to the flour mix #1. The recipes were tested with both Active and Quick Rise yeast from Red Star and they work equally well in stored gluten-free dough. You can’t use their Platinum yeast, since it contains trace amounts of wheat.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (6)

Add the Kosher salt and the sugar (if using) to the flour mix. You can add more or less salt, depending on your preference.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (7)

Blend all the dry ingredients for a few seconds.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (8)

While the mixer is on low speed, slowly add all the liquid.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (9)

Once all of the liquid is added to the mixer, turn it up to medium-high speed and let it blend for about 1 minute.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (10)

The doughwill look and feel like soft biscuit dough.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (11)

Transfer the dough to a 4+ quart Food-Storage Container. The dough will rise some, but don’t expect it to double in size.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (12)

Cover the container, but it shouldn’t be airtight. You may want to poke a very small hole in the lid (you can see it in the exact center of the above lid) to allow the gas from the yeast to escape. If you don’t poke a hole…

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (13)

…then you will want to place the lid on the container, but don’t snap it all the way shut (see above photo). Don’t allow too much air to get into the bucket or the dough may dry out.

Allow the dough to sit at room temperature for 2 hours. If your kitchen is cool, it may take 2 1/2 to 3 hours. You can use the dough after the initial rise or refrigerate the dough for about 5 days (10 if you don’t use eggs).

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (14)

When you are ready to bake, sprinkle some GF flour on a piece of parchment. Dust the surface of the dough with more flour.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (15)

Scoop up a 1-pound piece of dough. Store the rest of the dough in the fridge for up to 5 days if using egg whites, or 10 days if you only used water.That’s where our method saves you time–all your subsequent loaves are made from pre-mixed, stored dough that will develop sourdough flavors as it ages.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (16)

Unlike wheat dough, this will not have any stretch when you lift it out, it will just break off.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (17)

Place the dough on the parchment and shape it into a ball. It may not be smooth at this point.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (18)

Using wet fingers, smooth out the surface of the dough. Creating a smooth surface also seems to help trap the gas from the yeast and improve the rise of the bread.

Cover loosely with plastic and allow to rise for about an hour. If you are using fresh dough, then just 30 minutes.

Preheat oven with a Baking Stoneto 450°F. It is very important that your oven be hot enough, so use an oven thermometer to check the actual temperature. If you are using a thick Baking Stone, this can take 45 minutes or longer. Put a broiler tray on the bottom of the oven, which will be used to catch water to create steam in your oven.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (19)

Once the dough is ready (it may not rise much while resting), dust it with more flour and slash the top with a serrated knife.

Slide the loaf onto the preheated baking stone, add 1 cup water to broiler tray to create steam and quickly close the door.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (20)

Bake the loaf for about 45 minutes or until nicely browned.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (21)

Allow the loaf to cool to room temperature before cutting into it. The gluten-free artisan breadwill be quite gummy if you cut into it before it is totally cooled. Using a sharp serrated Bread Knifeis the best for cutting this loaf.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (22)

If you don’t finish the loaf in one or two days, wrap it well and freeze it for another time.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (23)

This gluten-free artisan bread also makes wonderful toast the next morning, and you can use up the remaining dough over the next 5 days (if you used egg whites), or 10 days (if you only used water).

See also ourGluten-Free Frequently-Asked Questions.

Note: is reader supported. When you buy through links on the site, BreadIn5 LLC earns commissions.

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Master Recipe | Bread in Five (2024)


What is the trick to making good gluten-free bread? ›

Tips and Techniques to make better Gluten Free Bread
  1. Use psyllium husk powder.
  2. Let the dough rest (not exactly the same as a bulk proof)
  3. Mix or knead thoroughly.
  4. Use less yeast.
  5. Bake in a tin with tall sides.
  6. Bake for longer, often at a lower temperature.
  7. Create steam in the oven.
  8. Use the tangzhong or scalded flour method.

What is the biggest challenge of making gluten-free bread? ›

One of the main challenges in making gluten-free bread is achieving the same texture and rise as traditional wheat bread.

Why do you put vinegar in gluten-free bread? ›

Apple cider vinegar or another acid lightens up the dough. You can add up to 4 Tbsp of acid for 500 g gluten-free flour. Don't worry, you won't be able to taste it afterwards. To lighten up a yeast dough even more, you can add a packet of baking powder or cream of tartar baking powder to 500 g flour.

What is the best yeast for artisan bread? ›

Active Dry Yeast is an ideal yeast to use for artisan breads or no knead breads that require a slower rise time. It's also the preferred type of yeast for those doughs that proof in the refrigerator for extended periods of time.

Which yeast is best for gluten-free bread? ›

What type of yeast should be used to bake Gluten Free Bread? Active dry yeast and instant yeast both work well and are often interchangeable. Be on the lookout for any Rapid Rise yeast that is best for one rise. For most of us that's the way gluten free bread is baked, a single rise in the tin.

What is the best gluten free flour for yeast baking? ›

If you want to buy just one gluten-free flour, we highly recommend the Pillsbury all-purpose gluten-free flour. Not only is it our favorite gluten-free flour, and easy to use in gluten-free recipes, but it's also one of the few gluten-free flours currently on the market that is recommended for baking with yeast.

Why is my homemade gluten-free bread so dense? ›

Dense loaf- you may need to use more liquid, gluten free dough is usually wetter than regular wheat flour dough resembling a thick brownie batter. How much liquid is enough in a recipe ultimately depends not on formulas but in observation. You may need more or less liquid than the recipe specifies.

Why won t my gluten-free bread rise? ›

If your gluten free bread didn't rise, here are some things to check: Was the yeast expired? Did you use the right type of yeast that the recipe called for? (Active dry yeast or Rapid-rise yeast.) What temperature was the water you proofed the yeast in?

How do you keep gluten-free bread from crumbling? ›

Mix the Additives in Before the Wet Ingredients

The gluten in traditional flour is what gives dough its stickiness. Without it, gluten-free products can be dry and crumbly. There is a way to compensate for this however — use xanthan gum. Some bakers also use gelatin or agar.

What does cream of tartar do in gluten-free bread? ›

Promoting Better Rise

Cream of tartar acts as a natural leavening agent when combined with baking soda.

What does apple cider vinegar do for gluten-free baking? ›

Apple Cider Vinegar – Superpower your Gluten-Free Kitchen! Apple cider vinegar is often used in baking, but why? It is a great leavening agent, but it also has powerful flavour enhancing properties. I find it adds the perfect amount of depth of flavour, and helps activate baking soda creating a lovely airy texture.

What does egg white do in gluten-free bread? ›

Developing baked gluten-free (GF) products is difficult since gluten is essential for many organoleptic properties like texture and taste. Egg white proteins (EW) show strong cohesive behavior with excellent foaming capacity and stability, which may improve both organoleptic quality and nutritional value of GF bread.

Does older yeast make better bread? ›

Yeast that's active and ready to go will make a great loaf of bread. Yeast that's past its prime will leave you with dense bread that you probably will not want to eat.

What yeast do professional bakers use? ›

Fresh yeast, sometimes called cake yeast or compressed yeast, is a block of fresh yeast cells that contains about 70% moisture and is commonly used by baking professionals. It's pale beige in color, soft and crumbly with a texture similar to a soft pencil eraser, and has a stronger yeast smell than dry yeast.

Why use active dry yeast instead of instant? ›

Active dry yeast is slower to rise than instant yeast, but if your recipe calls for a long rise time (two to three hours), the outcome will be the same. If your recipe has a shorter rise time (such as an hour), add an extra 15 to 20 minutes for the active dry yeast to do its work.

Why is it so challenging to make good gluten-free bread? ›

A note about moisture in gluten-free bread recipes: getting the right amount of moisture in GF bread dough is crucial to success. If the dough is too moist, the bread will rise well but sink in the middle when baking. If it is too dry, the bread will not rise.

Is there a trick to baking with gluten-free flour? ›

2 teaspoons of baking powder per cup of gluten-free flour is necessary to ensure proper leavening. Baking soda and buttermilk can be used to leaven instead of baking powder, but 1-1/8 teaspoon of cream of tartar should be added for each 1/2 teaspoon baking soda used.

How do you make gluten-free bread less crumbly? ›

The gluten in traditional flour is what gives dough its stickiness. Without it, gluten-free products can be dry and crumbly. There is a way to compensate for this however — use xanthan gum. Some bakers also use gelatin or agar.


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