Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

a a a THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1954 MARTINSVILLE: BULLETIN, MARTINSVILLE, VIRGINIA. PAGE 10-A Mrs. Anglin Is Hostess To Circle Mrs. Mae Anglin was hostess to Circle Three of the Woman's So-. ciety of Christian church of afternoon.

at her home on Spring street. Mrs. V. C. Mitchell, program' leader, gave an interesting gram on "City Lights and -using -quotations of, Albert Sweitzer on Second Employment." She was assisted by.

Mrs. J. Dempsey, Mrs. W. Jennings Wyatt and Mrs.

Anglin. Mrs. J. L. Stovall read the scrip-ture and Mrs.

L. T. Barbour gave the prayer, following the program. During the business session, conducted by Mrs. Barbour, president, members.

decided to have "Sunshine Week" for one of the members. Clarence 'C. Wade. a new member, was welcomed into the circle. tp -The hostess served ice cream and cake to the nine members and Mrs.

Wade's daughter. Stuart Hospital Issues Sick List STUART Patients at the Stuart Hospital are: Mrs. Erna Dillion, Mrs. Dan Hooker, Mrs. Aubrey Lawson and Mrs.

Drew Mabe and son, all of Lawsonville, N. Joe E. Belcher, of Woolwine; Mrs. Roy Cook and son, of Danbury, N. Mrs.

Herbert Wood and son, Miss Bonnie Banks, and Miss Eileen Harris. of Meadows of Dan; Mrs. Moir Pendleton and daughter, of near Stuart. Those discharged during the past week were: Kelly Lee Cecil of Patrick Carl-Hylton, Sandy Ridge, N. Mrs.

Edmund Goad and Mrs. Hobert Cox and daughter. of Claudville; R. M. Hundley, Mrs.

Walter Hylton and son, Mrs. Nannie Thompson and Mrs. Arthur Beasley of Stuart Routes: Clay Rea, of- Spencer: Mrs. Sandy Williams and Lawsonville, N. -Miss Nona Clifton of Vesta; Hampton Knight, of Madison, N.

Mrs. Thurmond Cox of Laurel Fork and Mrs. Moir and daughter, of W. E. Helms of Meadows of Dan been transferred to the Baptist in Winston-Salem: Miss Rebecca Clark of Route 3.

Stuart, who sustained broken in an accident at Meadows of Dan, Sunday evening, was transferred Tuesday to a Winston-Salem hospital where she was scheduled to undergo surgery. SUMMER CLOTHES In buying your summer clothes. keep your vacation -plans in mind. It's wisest to: know where you'll be going before buying anything. Some vacation spots demand casual clothes exclusively.

Others demand a mixture, and still others expect a girl to have a heavy touch of drama in her wardrobe. A Fall's -bloused top appears in a lightweight wool knitted dress (above) by Rosanna. cardigan dress has a new- -looking, wider skirt. By Galle Dugas, NEA Women's Editor. Awards Made To 4-H Girls After Contests In Stuart STUART The 4-H.

Contests for girls projects in food preparationr, breads, clothing achievement, and dress review were conducted in the Stuart Methodist Church Basem*nt on September 4. Norma Soyars received- blue ribbon award in breads having prepared corn muffins. She will represent Patrick in District Arlene Smith received blue ribbon award in Food Preparation having made an apple pie. She will represent Patrick in District Contest. Vivian Dickerson received a red award on fudge squares.

Girls who exhibited their clothing work. exhibited some of the best construction work ever entered: in previous contests. Awards in Clothing Achievement were as follows: (will represent Patrick in District Blue Sara Leigh Dickerson Contest); Red Vivian Dickerson; White Connie Jean Gregory. Fort Trial DAR To Meet Tuesday The Fort Trial Chapter, Daughters' of the American. Revolution, meet at 8 p.m.

Tuesday at "The with Miss Mary Gravely and Mrs. T. C. Self' as hostesses. 1Mrs.

O. B. Hensley will be program chairman. Menu By GAYNOR MADDOX NEA Food Editor Te BY GAYNOR MADDOX NEA Food Editor At the Cape Cod Inn in Hyannis, we had sweet little scallops sauteed gently in butter. Earle Jacobs, owner of the pleasant white inn, is a descendant of whaling captains.

But he is anything but rough and other. Cape. Cod sea food. Here's his recipe. Use either fresh or freshly frozen small Cape Cod Inn's Broiled Scallops Use one.

shallow casserole dish 5 inches across and 1 deep for each person. Butter dish and fill with one layer of Cape scallops, with medium cracker or bread crumbs. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with paprika, dot with butter or margarine. Broil slowly under flame until scallops begin to up, about 10 to 15 minutes. Serve at once with tartar sauce.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison, who own the mammoth Thorwald Hotel in Bass Rocks outside of Gloucester, asked us to their home after we had been swimming in the bay. Oddly enough, Mrs. Allison used Norway, in her appetizers, -eventhough Gloucester is world-famous for.

its fish and sea food. Cheese Balls Norway Style (About 30 cheese balls) Drain- the oil -from two cans of Norway sardines. Place sardines in mixing bowl and add two 3- ounce packages of cream cheese, 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper. Mash with fork until smooth. Chill.

When mixture is sufficiently chilled, form small balls and roll in finely into, chopped -salted perans. i Place a toothpick each ball. Chill and serve. Norway Sardine- Canape (Yield: canapes) Soften 3 packages of creamcheese. Drain the oil from a can of Norway sardines and make a puree of the sardines.

Mix cream cheese with sardine puree. Add chopped chives and season to. taste. Spread on toast strips or co*cktail crackers. TODAY'S DINNER: Norway sardine-cheese canape, pan-broiled chopped beef ca patties, whipped potatoes, broiled tomato halves, ready-to-mix corn muffins, butter or margarine, scallions a radishes, fruit bowl, pears cof- and chocolate chip cookies, fee, -tea or milk.

home, 1211 Chatham Heights. Mrs. Whiten. who is circle New. Citizens man, meeting with the scripture reading from John.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Linker; heard. The Circle will the birth of a son. on September 5 During the business session, re- 705 Prospect Hill Drive, announce send ports cards were to two members who are at Martinsville General Hospital.

ill. Mrs. Jack B. Whitten was hostess to the Annette Fuller Circle of the Chatham Heights Baptist church. Monday evening at her Awards made in dress review.

were as follows: Blue Pat and Ella Sue Hopkins. Miss Beasley will represent county in District Contest; Red Adeline Powell and Minnie Lou Anderson: White Brenda Merriman and Goldie Anglin. Judges assisting with contests were Mrs. W. L.

Joyce and Miss Stump. Annette Fuller Circle Meets At Whitten Home Mrs. Cephas Mason. and Mrs. Paul Mason gave the program, reviewing two chapters from the mission book, "In Evangeline's Country." The meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs.

Norman Mahon. The hostess, assisted by her daughter, Mary Lee, served refreshments. Mrs. Norman -Mahon will be hostess at the October meeting. FLAMBOYANT COLORS New.

Citizens This. season, flamboyant colors are being used in a manner that is at once distinctive and discreet. For instance, a navy blue ensemble with white accessories may be sparked by tiny touches of. coral. The color could be in a bit of chiffon that trims the wrist of the white gloves and in the flower that adorns the white straw hat.

The FINEST SWEATERS are at MAYFAIR of course! ZEPHYR. WOOLS NYLONS ORLONS D. A. A. 100 Orlon pullover sweater with smart three-quarter length dolman sleeves.

3.99 Soft -popular collar Orlon styling slipover short sweater 24 sleeves. with 3.99 C. virgin zephyr wool cardigan. sweater all-around versatility in this. with long sleeves.

buttoned front, smart classic styling 1.99 D. Soft- luxurious-100 virgin pullover sweater smart diagonal MAYFAIR four buttoned: collar, opening for easy" pullover. matching colorful 2.99 OF embroidery design on turtle neck collar. USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN FOR ALL YOUR SPORTSWEAR NEEDS Barbara Clark Feted At Dessert Bridge Personal Mention Miss. Sylvia Cohen left Tuesday her home in Brooklyn, N.Y., visiting her and brother sister.

Dr. Samuel Kaufman, 710. Finley street, for several days. She was accompaniby her niece, Miss Cohen. of Brooklyn, who spent a month with Dr.

and Kaufman. Miss Doris Cardwell, of WashLington, D.C. attended the wedof Cardwell her sister. and Miss Larry Rebecca, Moore. afternoon Street Christian church," Mr.

and Mrs. George Grayson daughters, Judy and Carol. returned to their home in Atlanta, after visiting Mrs. Grayson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

R. Hensley, Park street. Mrs Grayson is the former Miss DoroHensley. of this city. Mr.

and Mrs. T. M. Throckmorton and daughter. Sue, Scottsburg, spent.

Friday with Throckmorton's sisters. Mrs. Marvin Byrd, College and Beecher Jones, 206 Forest street. Mr. and Mrs.

C. J. Sporl and daughter, Pat, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis 'att, Forest street; last night.

Miss Robin Goode and Miss Betsy Broun, Mulberry road, are Jacksonville, where they will attendants in the wedding Frances Russell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hurd Goode Mrs.

and Mrs. Jackson Dodge, Mulberry road, will return home today from Virginia Beach. Mrs. Edward Davis, Mrs. Jones, of Danville, and Mrs.

S. Fishel. Church street, Tuesday for Asheville, N. few davs stay. Miss Isabel Kiernan returned STUART Mrs: P.

H. Bowman, Jr. Mrs. Joe and Mrs. George W.

Hudson, were hostesses at a dessert-bridge Saturday afternoon at. Mr. Hudson's in Mountain View Heights, honoring Miss Barbara Anne Clark, who has been widely entertained at a series "of pre-nuptial parties, following the announcement of her coming marriage to Charles C. -Baughan. The honoree wore an orchid corsage, a gift of the hostesses, who also gave her a gift of silver.

in her chosen wedding pattern. Six tables were placed for play amid setting of attractive arrangements of early fall flowers. Upon arrival the guests were served a refreshing ice course with cakes, nuts and coffee, -using a bridal color scheme of green and Bowling League To Hold Meeting On September 23 The Ladies Day Bowling League will hold a general meeting on Thursday. September. 23, a.m.

lat the Martinsville Bowling Center, the president, Mrs. Reuben Stone, said today. It important that members who have bowled with the league before and members attend this meeting, Mrs. Stone stated. The first bowling day will be Thursday, October 7.

New members must bowl six rounds before I that date to determine their average for the season, Mrs. Stone serted. It's a good idea to change the position of vour rugs every few months. This distributes wear evenly. left for Sunday.

to home on Myrtle "Road, after spending the summer at her cottage at Long Beach, Md. white. Table appointments and tal-1 Flies reflected the bridal motif. The hostesses sefyed iced drinks during the afternoon. At the conclusion of several progressions, Miss Lady Clark and Mrs.

Hooker were awarded the prizes for. highest and secFond highest scores, respectively. 1 The bingo trophy fell to Mrs. Ralph Hicks. Those.

included: playing Mrs. besides Jack Elder, hon-1 Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. William oree," Swofford, Mrs. Willard C.

Osburn, Mrs. Malcolm Fillmore, Mrs. John Hooker, Mrs. W. Blair.

Clark, Mrs. Coy A. Thomas, Mrs. Walter. Lee Penn, Miss Louise Fulton, Mrs.

Ralph Hicks, Mrs. Rees Woody, Lou Mrs. Chris Williams, Miss Joy Mrs. Jack Hundley, Mrs. William C.

Staples, Miss Lady Clark, Mrs. D. G. Hanby, Mrs. J.

Mrs. Trent wins High Score Prize At Bridge Game Mrs. W. C. Trent.

of Bassett. won the high score prize for bridge, Saturday afternoon, during a gathering at the home of Mrs. S. E. Church Mrs.

Nick Prillaman, was awarded the second high, score prize and Mrs. Fred. Wicklund. bingo. Others playing at the two tables Mrs.

Paul Simpson, Mrs. Aglie Smith, Mrs. Henry C. Grogan, Mrs. M.

R. Carter and the hostess. A dessert course was served to those attending. (ADVERTIsem*nT) SKIN ITCH HOW TO RELIEVE IT IN 15 MINUTES and burning in minutes; kills germs and fungus on contact. Wonderful for eczema.

ringworm, feet Itch and other surface rashes: Today at Keartett' Rucker- Mrs. Will Tatum, Miss: Peggy Lou Hon Mrs. P. Bowman and Charles Moir. Those coming in refresh ments- were: Myron Clan: Baughan; Mrs.

Thoms Haziewood, Mrs. W. P. Fulton, and Reynold C. Sheppard Mrs.

Robert Cahill, DeShazo Vows Said RIDGEWAY Mrs. J. Beverly DeShazo and Edgar P. Cahill were married at three o'olock Saturday afternoon, September at her home. The Rev.

J. Fletcher Osborne, pastor of Ridgeway. Methodist church officiated. Only members of the immediate families were present. Mr.

and Mrs. Cahill will reside in Winston-Salem, N. Happy Is The Day When Backache Goes Away Nagging backache, loss of pep and energy, headaches and dizziness may be due to slowdown of kidney function. Doctors say good kidney function is very important to good health, When some everyday condition, such 18 stress and strain, causes this important function to slow down, many folks suffer nag. ging backache-feel miserable.

Minor blad- der irritations due to cold or wrong diet may cause getting up nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condi. tions bother you. Try Doan's Pilla-a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 50 years.

It's amazing how many times Doan's give happy relief from these discom. forts- flush -help out the 15 waste. milesof Get kidney Doan's tubes Pills and today! filters GLAMOR SHOP SALE! 1 ONCE A YEAR VALUES AT SUCH SAVINGS! 2 Be Budget Wise and Glamor us BEAT THE HEAT 3 4 COOL, CRISP COTTON DRESSES Solids Values to $14.99 Sizes A '9 8. 20 5 Prints A CHILDREN'S DRESSES 2 FALL Cotton COATS Panties 5pr. $12 $1 13 Sizes 3 1-3 6x USE OUR LAY-AWAY 7.14 MAIN FLOOR 11.

wonderful response in buying these coats are we able to buy complete lots at special prices Only because our appreciation by extending our savings on to you." Buy now and savel of your and show Poodle Cloth ted Fleece 41 Grey, Blue, Brown, Black, Red, Tan 20. (24) (29 Sizes 4 FIRST ALWAYS IN. VALUES 18-20-22 WALNUT ST. Shop MARTINSVILLE, -VA..

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.