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      • ACO Test Strip Logging? Question.

        in General Discussion

        Posted September 9, 2023

        On 9/9/2023 at 7:52 AM, JChristophersAdventures said:

        Do used ACO strips maintain their colors as (or after) they have dried out?

        It shifts. It's not constant. That is why the timing is there in the directions and even waiting 5 minutes as opposed to 3 can give you an incorrect test.

        There are some strips available, even photometric (I'm sure that's not the right one) tests that use lasers and microcontrollers which will feed to an app which logs things over time.

        Android has a cool notes app that lets you record it as well, I'm sure it's on Apple too.

        • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (1)1
        • What on earth..... (guessing game)

          in General Discussion

          Posted September 9, 2023

          On 9/9/2023 at 6:51 AM, FLFishChik said:

          I’m guessing MTS. I’m probably wrong, but I’m gonna go down with this ship!

          It is. 🙂 No idea what the second one is.

          • Shipping fish! What's your recipe for success?

            in General Discussion

            Posted September 9, 2023· Edited by nabokovfan87

            Dean's video, Rachel O'Leary's video are ones I watch before I ship fish. There's a ton of guides but the main thing is to take your time and to do so intently. It's not worth rushing if you make a mistake or if you miss something critical.

            I am not great, or flawless at shipping fish, but I've sent two bigger boxes or corydoras and done alright. Because of the toxin it's an incredibly stressful species to ship.

            That being said... my biggest tip would be to make sure you tape the corners (see dean's video) on the bags and double bag. I have thicker bags and I use two of them each time I ship. The goal is that the bag doesn't get tossed all around the box and arrives safely. How things are inside the bag is a whole different puzzle sometimes.

            • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (2)1
            • Looking for a mount to raise lights

              in General Discussion

              Posted September 9, 2023

              Etsy has a few risers, you'd have to check your specific light.

              I don't know if nicrew has a mounting kit, but there's ceiling mounts that run off cables and there is clip on ones that rest on the back of the tank and have arms to extend over the tank.

              nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (3)

              • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (4)2
              • How does one move Amano shrimp from one tank to another?

                in General Discussion

                Posted September 9, 2023

                Under blue lights, dark room, they should be a bit easier to notice and active. Usually they have the spots they hang out at and it's just about getting the net on them. Have a specimen container and such ready for them to go into once you catch them.

                Essentially, they swim backwards to escape, but they dart and they are extremely quick. Go slow, let them guide themselves into the net and they should go in there for you pretty easily.

                I use a 5" net. Hand over it, or trap them inside the net when you're moving them out of water, they absolutely will jump a lot.

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                • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (6)1
                • Elassoma


                  Posted September 9, 2023

                  On 9/8/2023 at 10:41 AM, Fish Folk said:

                  Brought a few E. gilberti fry indoors the other night…

                  Very cool to see them. They seem so different, and I'm sure it's to help hide as they are younger while they grow up and gain their patterning. It's also interesting in the adults that the females stay lighters, potentially for the same reason.

                  I definitely need to work on gaining some knowledge and care skills with smaller fish. Using powdered foods even has been an enlightening change for me.

                  • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (7)1
                  • How many things can break in one month? >:-|

                    in General Discussion

                    Posted September 9, 2023

                    I am very sorry for all your struggles. I couldn't imagine. Definitely double check, test, have redundancies. There is a lot of great information out there and some brilliant hobbyists out there with information. If only we could find it easily!

                    • What on earth..... (guessing game)

                      in General Discussion

                      Posted September 9, 2023

                      On 9/8/2023 at 10:19 AM, TOtrees said:

                      Are we allowed to post our own aliens?

                      what is it?

                      • do my shrimp look okay?

                        in General Discussion

                        Posted September 9, 2023

                        They all look perfectly happy. The "white ring of death" is a pretty big misnomer. It is more plainly, a separation of the exoskeleton on the shrimp itself. It could simply be a sign of growth of the shrimp and that molting will happen soon. When you see it, simply monitor and feed a complete food with calcium for the shrimp.

                        The tank has plenty of surface biofilm and things to graze on and that is a lot of what you're seeing. I'll attach two videos below. The first is a shrimp with the WRoD molting properly without any issues. The second one is just a fun one on how shrimp eat. The biology of how they function and using that to understand if the tank is setup well for them and how they are thriving. The main thing to keep in mind for shrimp development for me isn't a one off molt, but it's all about are they molting consistently, at the rice pace, and are their shells developing as they should. If you see "shiny shrimp" that is a new molt more than likely and it's one where they would be trying to hide (hence food availability is critical) and likely won't hit the feeding dish for a few days. That is the most sensitive time for a shrimp. That's the key.

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                        • Top 5-10 plants you'd like to try out!

                          in Plants, Algae, and Fertilizers

                          Posted September 8, 2023

                          On 9/8/2023 at 8:07 AM, JoeQ said:

                          Stopped by petsmart for a net, but of course I stopped by the plant section first, "just to browse",

                          I do the same thing... It's so refreshing to see great plants available there. The ones I have locally are always roasted or should be replaced but just sit rotten on the shelves.

                          • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (10)1
                          • 10g West Cameroon Loose Biotope


                            Posted September 8, 2023

                            To add to the above list of great resources:

                            Pecktec has a ton of videos on the type of filtration method you're looking at. He uses UGF quite a lot for various reasons (plenums, etc.)

                            Tai Streitman is someone who puts out a lot of high quality content on biotopes and their setups. His book is due out any moment now (George Farmer mentioned early 2024 most recently) and he made a series of tanks just for that project. He breaks down his methods, philosophy for setups on his youtube channel linked below.


                            A final one here from a very highly regarded aquascaper doing a talk for green aqua. It's really enlightening to see how the scape was built. Maybe some tips in there you can use in your own setup.

                            • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (11)1
                            • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (12)1
                            • Fluval Flex 32.5 stocking ideas

                              in General Discussion

                              Posted September 8, 2023

                              I don't think anyone has had a "more fun tank" thank Filipe's ram tank. I would definitely add in some shrimp and focus on something that works with said shrimp. Especially caridina.... you're talking some pretty bonkers colors.

                              • Nature Movie Club - Inquire Within

                                in Off Topic General

                                Posted September 8, 2023

                                On 9/8/2023 at 3:56 AM, Fish Folk said:

                                I have Elassoma gilberti.

                                I am looking at a few of the Elassoma species. I really thought they were a good ~2.5-3" long, but they are much smaller. Live foods is of course an issue for me, but I think I can get them fed.... we'll see if/when I get some.

                                Darters, shiners, I'm really impressed by all of them. Same thing with minnow species and cooler species like those in the cypranidae family.

                                • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (14)2
                                • Explosion of less than desirable accidents

                                  in General Discussion

                                  Posted September 8, 2023

                                  On 9/8/2023 at 12:17 AM, Luciferkrist said:

                                  Who has absolutely no reason to be at the top of the tank and eating anybody only about an inch smaller! Yet he won't even chase the guppies.

                                  I think this is probably more common that most people are aware of. It's not seen as "big enough" to provide a meal and so they ignore it. It's like a great white avoiding sardines and trying to hunt a seal.

                                  An interesting dilemma though. Hm, what would fit. There might be some crypranidae. Black sharks or Bala sharks even that work. Pecktec keeps some rainbows with his bicher, maybe he's got something in his big tank update video that sparks some ideas.

                                  • in

                                    Posted September 8, 2023

                                    Congratulations on everything being ok. What a nightmare that somehow worked out.

                                    Wonderful trip and very cool to see all the things. Biggs (guy on YouTube) will often travel and stop in and do tours for his channel. Very fun little way to see a lot of places that I'd probably never get to. 🙂

                                    • What on earth..... (guessing game)

                                      in General Discussion

                                      Posted September 8, 2023

                                      @Luciferkristi could not imagine....

                                      • Friday musings - I am not happy about my tank

                                        in General Discussion

                                        Posted September 8, 2023

                                        It looks good @beastie!

                                        I see what you mean about the "rubble" on the sand and not being able to see the open space as much. I had to remind myself it's not my tank with a little horde of corydoras in there having some fun wiggling around.

                                        It'll be interesting to see how things develop for you and what you decide to tweak and play around with, if anything.

                                        Hopefully you're enjoying the tank a little bit more though?

                                        ....I love the photo of your hillstream loach, it's a really nice one.

                                        • What on earth..... (guessing game)

                                          in General Discussion

                                          Posted September 8, 2023

                                          For those who do know what this is because you happen to have seen the video, please don't spoil it for others!

                                          I was watching one of the older vids on the channel and Cory and Dean had opened up the FX filter to clean it. This was inside. What do you think it is?!?!

                                          I definitely didn't realize what it was at first, but I could only imagine the look I would have opening the thing up and seeing this!

                                          nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (15)

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                                          • Non-Fish Pets

                                            in General Discussion

                                            Posted September 8, 2023

                                            On 9/7/2023 at 11:08 PM, Cinnebuns said:

                                            we need to get you some snails and rats!

                                            No thank you. 🙂

                                            Had to fight poisonous spiders just to do a WC today. LOL

                                            • Community flake food suggestions

                                              in General Discussion

                                              Posted September 8, 2023

                                              I would recommend at least checking out Aqueon's newer Nutrinsect line of foods. There's a variety of "pros" for the food and ultimately it's seems to be a very affordable food with good ingredients. It is one I plan to purchase extremely soon.

                                              • Nature Movie Club - Inquire Within

                                                in Off Topic General

                                                Posted September 8, 2023

                                                On 9/7/2023 at 7:48 PM, Fish Folk said:

                                                Point in fact: I mailed Derek 9x fish that arrived in Knoxville, TN today!😅He likes breeding different species. I sent him two more Microctenopoma ansorgii, 6x Pteronotropis stonei, and a remaining Xenotoca doadrioi from our breeding set up. The live foods room he runs is . . . maybe the best of its kind in the USA.

                                                I have so many questions.... The NANF fish I thought about getting is apparently very much a nano fish. The form/scientific name of the one I wish to get is seemingly difficult to find. I don't think I've ever seen a tank of 30+ of them and I can probably house close to 100 without much or any issues. So much to learn and things to try to understand. I'll have to get some composed thoughts and a DM your way.

                                                Sidenote, I saw someone try the above with a series of the fish (pygmy sunfish) and they feed some live blackworms, which led to a leach, which led to a ton of leaches and them not being successful. Very tragic.

                                                • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (17)2
                                                • Entertainment Center Reimagined


                                                  Posted September 8, 2023

                                                  My only "dream add-on" would be to have a sound+vibration insulation layer above, behind, and below the tank just for the noise on the fish. Wonderful concept and amazing work again!!! Welcome to the forums. We're gonna need a journal with all your cool stuff to follow whenever you get there.

                                                  • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (18)1
                                                  • HDPE mesh fish safe?

                                                    in General Discussion

                                                    Posted September 8, 2023

                                                    from a plastics website on the googles....

                                                    "Virgin, or non-recycled, HDPE is food safe. Recycled HDPE products are reviewed by the FDA on a case-by-case basis. Virgin HDPE is great for making food safe plastic containers since it resists corrosion, doesn't absorb much moisture and doesn't leach chemicals."

                                                    This one has some great details.


                                                    • nabokovfan87's Content - Page 74 (19)1
                                                    • Starting new shrimp tank

                                                      in General Discussion

                                                      Posted September 8, 2023

                                                      On 9/7/2023 at 2:29 PM, Sultrysamurai said:

                                                      I tested the water. 0 ammonia 0 nitrite PH is lower than I’m used to PH is 6.7ish and 5.0 nitrate. KH is low at about 2ppm and TDS is 240. Tank is 3 gallon rimless.

                                                      so the main thing you want to do is compare the KH and GH to your tap water. You'll need to do a lot of water changes to replenish minerals and let the soil absorb nutrients. It's a very common method and something where you will have the parameters you need (hopefully the tap is good) and then you can have a very nice, planted, beautiful shrimp tank. Once you hit 50 posts the buy/sell section opens up on the forum and there's some really awesome shrimp keepers with a few colors available. 🙂

                                                      On 9/7/2023 at 2:29 PM, Sultrysamurai said:

                                                      Thoughts on these parameters for cherry shrimp? Thoughts on increasing PH and or KH. Has my tank been cycling long enough to sustain shrimp only?

                                                      I can gather parameters for you, but KH you want about 4 or so. GH you want ~8 or so from my research. If things go a little lower or higher you'll be in the right zone. For planted tanks, you generally want KH = 1/2 of what your GH is, if you can.

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