Peanut Butter Ganache: Easiest Recipe (2024)

How Tos

This simple, four-ingredient peanut butter ganache will satisfy your sweet tooth in 10 minutes! Use it to fill a tart or add it as the perfect finishing touch to a drip cake. Or get creative and use it as an indulgent macaron filling – Yum!

Peanut Butter Ganache: Easiest Recipe (1)
Jump to:
  • Why you’ll love this recipe so much
  • How to use peanut butter ganache
  • What ingredients do you need to make peanut butter ganache?
  • Making peanut butter ganache in advance + storing
  • Making peanut butter ganache step by step
  • Tips and tricks for making the best ganache
  • Peanut Butter Gananche
  • Frequently asked questions

Why you’ll love this recipe so much

  • Custardy peanut butter meets the richness of white chocolate in this decadent ganache. Rich yet delicate, it’s a treat that won’t overpower with sweetness – perfect for those who crave an outstanding balance between salty and sweet!
  • There’s something magical about ganache – its creamy texture and sweet taste make it the perfect accompaniment to a wide array of delectable treats. But remember that you can also savor this delightful delight on its own!
  • This recipe is the chef’s dream come true! You can quickly whip up a culinary masterpiece with only four quick-to-find ingredients.

How to use peanut butter ganache

Transform any chocolate dessert into something genuinely decadent with this peanut butter ganache! Spread it on cakes, swirl it onto brownies, dip fruit in to make a special treat–the possibilities are endless. Every bite of your creation will be sure to tantalize the taste buds and delight all who try it.

As a frosting

To create the perfect ganache frosting, refrigerate it for half an hour until you have a thick and spreadable texture. Too little time will leave your icing too runny, but be careful to keep it from over-refrigerating, or else it’ll become hard as a rock! Finally, adorn your cake with this indulgent topping and enjoy the sweet satisfaction of success!

To make drip cakes

Delight your sweet tooth with a creative twist – make yourself a dreamy drip cake! Start by piping fruity ganache around the edges of this mini cake and allow it to ooze down its sides. It’s perfect if you do it while the liquid is still warm, so remember to enjoy every velvety bite of deliciousness!


Let the deliciousness of truffles come alive! Prepare ganache and place it in the fridge overnight for an unforgettable treat. In the morning, scoop out spoonfuls to form your little balls of heaven before gently rolling them in a coating of cocoa powder or glistening chocolate sprinkles for added indulgence to make all your dessert dreams come true!


Create a decadent peanut butter mousse by folding whipped cream into the ganache while it’s still warm. This sweet treat will be light and airy, perfect for indulging in!

What ingredients do you need to make peanut butter ganache?

Peanut butter

For this recipe, get out your classic creamy smooth peanut butter – none of that chunky stuff or organic alternatives.

White chocolate

If you’re looking to melt white chocolate, never skimp on quality! Selecting high-grade melting wafers will ensure a silky smooth result without lumpy surprises.

Heavy cream

Make your recipes and dishes decadently delicious with heavy cooking cream at 35% – other dairy products are no substitute for their luscious richness!

Making peanut butter ganache in advance + storing

This luscious ganache can be perfectly prepped in advance to save you time. Store your extra supply of this decadent treat for up to one week in an airtight container while refrigerating desserts made with it for five days or freezing them solid and keeping their flavor around for a month!

Making peanut butter ganache step by step

  1. Create a delectable delight by warming cream to just below boiling in a small pan. Combining heat and attention, you can create the perfect recipe for success!
  2. After the creamy concoction simmer on the stove, pour it over a heavenly blend of peanut butter, white chocolate, and vanilla extract. Let this mouth-watering mixture sit for 30 seconds to create an irresistible treat!
  3. Quickly whip up the mixture for a stunning ganache! Keep stirring until it’s silky smooth, then let it cool down and set it to your desired consistency before you use it. Its hardening process will transform this delectable treat into a culinary masterpiece.

Tips and tricks for making the best ganache

  • Heating the cream is a delicate balancing act to make the perfect ganache. Too little heat and it won’t melt your chocolate; too much, and you risk burning it- ruining both aroma and flavor. To avoid this dilemma, try using a double boiler – adding all ingredients before heating on low or medium heat until achieving perfectly smooth results!
  • Time is also essential here: decorate any treats requiring semi-liquid consistency with your decadent ganache before it’s completely cooled off for maximum enjoyment.
  • If you want your ganache to be truly decadent, don’t settle for anything less than the best – white chocolate with high-quality ingredients. The result will create a heavenly treat that melts on your tongue and leaves an unforgettable flavor in its wake!
  • If your ganache has stubborn pockets of unmelted white chocolate, don’t despair! Heat it in the microwave for 15 seconds and let it rest before stirring. Repeat this process until all the ingredients are fully incorporated and a silky-smooth texture is achieved.

Peanut Butter Ganache: Easiest Recipe (2)


Peanut Butter Gananche

This simple, four-ingredient peanut butter ganache will satisfy your sweet tooth in 10 minutes! Use it to fill a tart or add it as the perfect finishing touch to a drip cake. Or get creative and use it as an indulgent macaron filling – Yum!

Course Dessert

Cuisine American

Prep Time 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes minutes

Servings 1 Cup

Author Ana


  • 1 Cup heavy cream
  • 1 Cup white chocolate chips
  • 1/2 Cup smooth peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • In a small saucepan over medium heat, heat the cream until it almost comes to a boil. Remove from the stove.

  • Add the white chocolate, peanut butter and vanilla extract and let the mixture sit for 1 minute so the chocolate can melt.

  • Whisk all together until smooth and creamy. Transfer to a bowl and let it cool down.

Frequently asked questions

What are the three types of ganache

Three distinct ganache varieties can be crafted to create confections – white, milk, and dark chocolate. Milk and dark provide deep layers of cocoa flavor, while the versatility of the white variety adds endless possibilities for a wide range of sweet treats!?

What can you substitute for heavy cream in ganache?

Ganache isn’t just for heavy cream anymore! You can make it with any milk and add a bit of butter to the mix if you want an extra kick. Talk about making the most of your favorite treats – this is one surefire way!

What makes something a ganache

Ganache is a smooth and silky combination of rich chocolate and cream. Perfectly proportioned, it can be created with just two ingredients: hot cream poured over chopped chocolate that is whisked until thoroughly melted. Its decadent flavor makes any dessert simply irresistible!

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Peanut Butter Ganache: Easiest Recipe (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.