Stanford HERBERT HOOVER PAPERS POST PRESIDENTIAL … · 2017-12-17 · Stanford HERBERT HOOVER PAPERS . POST PRESIDENTIAL SUBJECT FILES, 1933-1964 . 153 linear feet, 2 linear inches - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Stanford HERBERT HOOVER PAPERS POST PRESIDENTIAL …· 2017-12-17· Stanford HERBERT HOOVER PAPERS . POST PRESIDENTIAL SUBJECT FILES, 1933-1964 . 153 linear feet, 2 linear inches


Stanford HERBERT HOOVER PAPERS POST PRESIDENTIAL SUBJECT FILES, 1933-1964 153 linear feet, 2 linear inches (350 LGA-S boxes) Herbert Hoover Presidential Library FOLDER LIST Box Contents 1 A General (5 folders) Academy of American Poets, 1934-1959 Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, Hoover tribute to Ethel Barrymore, 1949 Acheson, Secretary of State Dean - Clippings, 1945-1951 Adams, John – letter to his son, Dec 17, 1800 (reproduction) Advertising Club of New York, 1939-1963 Advertising Council, 1961 Advertising Gold Medal Award of Printers' Ink Publishing Company, 1960-1963 Africa, 1957-1963 African-American Institute, 1958 2 Agricultural Hall of Fame, 1959 Agriculture General, 1934-1953 California Farm Debt Adjustment Committee, 1934-1935 Clippings, 1933-1936 (7 folders) 3 Clippings, 1936-1958, undated (7 folders) Comments and Suggestions, 1933-1935 (3 folders) 4 Comments and Suggestions, 1936-1951, undated (5 folders) Congressional Record, House and Senate Bills, 1917, 1933-1937, 1942-1943 Commodities Cotton, 1934-1943 Wheat, 1933-1943 Farmers' Independence Council of America, 1935-1936 International, 1933-1934 5 Printed Matter, 1934-1953 and undated (2 folders) Statistics, 1940-1944 Agriculture Department Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) Expenditures for 1935 by state, 1936 Printed Material 1933-1941 (2 folders) Bureau of Agricultural Economics Agricultural Finance Review, 1942-1944 6 Agricultural Prices, 1943-1945 (3 folders) Agricultural Situation, 1943-1946 Cotton Situation, 1943

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153 linear feet, 2 linear inches (350 LGA-S boxes) Herbert Hoover Presidential Library


Box Contents 1 A General (5 folders) Academy of American Poets, 1934-1959 Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, Hoover tribute to Ethel Barrymore, 1949 Acheson, Secretary of State Dean - Clippings, 1945-1951 Adams, John – letter to his son, Dec 17, 1800 (reproduction) Advertising Club of New York, 1939-1963 Advertising Council, 1961 Advertising Gold Medal Award of Printers' Ink Publishing Company, 1960-1963 Africa, 1957-1963 African-American Institute, 1958 2 Agricultural Hall of Fame, 1959 Agriculture General, 1934-1953 California Farm Debt Adjustment Committee, 1934-1935 Clippings, 1933-1936 (7 folders) 3 Clippings, 1936-1958, undated (7 folders) Comments and Suggestions, 1933-1935 (3 folders) 4 Comments and Suggestions, 1936-1951, undated (5 folders) Congressional Record, House and Senate Bills, 1917, 1933-1937, 1942-1943 Commodities Cotton, 1934-1943 Wheat, 1933-1943 Farmers' Independence Council of America, 1935-1936 International, 1933-1934 5 Printed Matter, 1934-1953 and undated (2 folders) Statistics, 1940-1944 Agriculture Department Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) Expenditures for 1935 by state, 1936 Printed Material 1933-1941 (2 folders) Bureau of Agricultural Economics Agricultural Finance Review, 1942-1944 6 Agricultural Prices, 1943-1945 (3 folders) Agricultural Situation, 1943-1946 Cotton Situation, 1943

Crop Production, 1942-1946 (4 folders) 7 Crop Production, 1950-1951 Dairy Situation, September, 1942-1945 (2 folders) Demand and Price Situation, 1943-1945 (2 folders) Farm Income Situation, 1943-1945 (2 folders) Fats and Oils Situation, 1943-1945 Feed Situation, 1943 Fruit Situation, 1943-1944 8 Land Policy Review, 1943-1946 Livestock and Wool Situation, 1942-1945, (2 folders) Marketing and Transportation Situation, 1943-1945 National Food Situation, 1943-1945 Poultry and Egg Situation, 1943-1945 Price Fixing by Government in Foreign Countries, 1926-1939 (3 folders) 9 Rice Situation, 1942 Vegetable Situation, 1942-1945 Wheat Situation, 1942-1944 World Sugar Situation, 1943-1944 Printed Material, 1939-1944 (5 folders) 10 Printed Material, 1945 (2 folders) Crops and Markets, 1942-1946 (2 folders) Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations Foreign Agriculture, 1942-1943 Foreign Crops & Markets, 1935-1943 Office of War Information, 1942-1943 Press Releases, 1933-1936 11 Press Releases, 1936-1939 (2 folders) Agriculture Conferences and Chumurgy, 1935-1943 Airlines, 1933-1962 Air Mail Cancellation Correspondence, Memos, Printed Material, 1934 Articles, Press Releases, & Editorials, Feb 9-Mar 7, 1934 (2 folders) 12 Articles, Press Releases, & Editorials, Mar 8-July 31, 1934 (4 folders) Clippings, Jan-Mar 17, 1934 (5 folders) 13 Clippings, Mar 18, 1934-1942 (2 folders) Hearings before Special Committee, 1934 Investigation of Herbert Hoover, Jr., 1934 Statements by Airline Executives, 1934 Air University, Air War College, 1955 (includes curriculum) Alaska, 1935-1955 (statehood) Aldrich, Winthrop W., 1940 Alexander Legge Memorial Committee, 1934-1935 Aliens, 1934-1947 (immigration) Allied Youth, 1938-1940

Amerasia Case, 1950 (communism, OSS, Doering statement) 14 America First Committee, 1940-1946 America First Inc., 1934 America in Danger!, 1935 (communism) Americanization League of Syracuse, 1937-1942 American A – Z, 1933-1964 (5 folders) 15 American Academy of Political & Social Science, 1934-1958 American Academy of Public Affairs, 1940-1962 American Alumni Council - award to Hoover, 1950 American Association of University Women, 1938-1957 American Baltic Commemorative Committee, 1960 American Bar Association, 1943-1964 American Bible Society, 1944-1963 American Broadcasting Company, 1949-1963 American Cancer Society, 1950-1962 American Children's Fund, Inc. - Financial Statement, 1950 American Christian Alliance, 1939-1956 American Christian Committee for German Refugees, 1935-1939 American College of Hospital Administrators, 1949-1953 American Committee for Liberation: Freedom for the Peoples of the USSR, 1955-1963 American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese Aggression, 1939 American Committee on Religious Rights & Minorities, 1935-1940 (2 folders) 16 American Committee on United Europe, 1949-1950 American Democratic National Committee, 1944 American Economic Foundation, 1939-1962 American Engineering Council, 1938-1940 American Enterprise Association, 1956-1962 American Farm Bureau Federation, 1943 American Forum of the Air, 1949-1950 American Friends Service Committee, 1933-1963 (5 folders) 17 American Friends Service Committee – Clothing Drive, 1946-1947 American Good Government Society, 1938-1964 American Hearing Society, 1946-1951 and 1960 American Heritage magazine, 1954-1961 American Heritage Foundation, 1950-1960 American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1943-1964 American Institute of Consulting Engineers, 1940-1964 American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1935-1959 American Institute of Food Distribution, Inc., 1943 American Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1954-1963 18 American Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers, 1933-1958 (4 folders) American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1958-1963 (2 folders) American Jewish Congress, 1939-1945 American Jewish League against Communism, Inc. 1961-1962 American-Korean Foundation, 1953-1963 (2 folders)

American Legion, 1933-1949 19 American Legion, 1950-1964 (2 folders) American Liberty League, 1934-1952 American Magazine Correspondence, 1947 (provoked Japan misquote) Response mail to article by Sidney Shalett, 1947 (7 folders) 20 Response mail to article by Sidney Shalett (folder 8) Clippings, 1947 (4 folders) American Mercury, 1938-1958 American Mining Congress, 1936-1949 American Newspaper Publishers Association, 1960 American Overseas Aid, 1947-1948 American Philosophical Society, 1933-1961 American Plan for Medical and Surgical Care, Inc., 1940-1941 21 American Political Science Association, 1949-1954 American President Lines - SS President Hoover, 1956-1960 American Radio Relay League, 1933-1964 American Red Cross Correspondence, 1933-1964 (3 folders) Joint Relief Committee, 1944-1946 (2 folders) Relief Operations, 1940-1947 22 American Relief Administration Correspondence, 1934-1961 Children's Fund, 1936-1937 General, 1936-1937 Financial Statement, 1950 Financial Statements 1936-1937 Russian Relief, 1953 American School for Boys at Baghdad, Iraq, 1946-1947 American Security Council, 1959-1967 American Social Health Association, 1956-1960 American Society of Civil Engineers, 1936-1962 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1933-1961 (2 folders) 23 American Society of Newspaper Editors, 1957 American Standards Association, 1947-1960 American Tract Society, 1933-1949 American University, Washington, D.C. Correspondence, 1936-1964 (3 folders) Reports, Minutes, etc., 1948-1959 (3 folders) 24 Reports, Minutes, etc., 1959 American Veterans of World War II (AMVETS), 1946-1960 American Weekly, 1951-1959 American Youth Congress, 1940 Americans for Constitutional Action Correspondence, 1959-1964

Printed Material, Clippings, etc. 1960-1964 (3 folders) 25 Americans for Democratic Action, 1947-1955 Americans, Inc., 1934 Americas (North, South, Inter, Pan, etc.) Correspondence, 1938-1960 Clippings, 1940-1949 Americas Foundation, 1948-1964 America's Future, Inc., 1949-1953 Anglers' Club of New York, 1933-1964 Anonymous Communications, 1933-1955 Anti-Defamation League, 1954-1964 26 Anti-War League, 1935-1936 Applicants for Secretarial Positions, 1950-1956 Appreciation for Services Rendered, 1934-1964 Arab Refugee Relief, 1939-1958 Argentina - Cross References Arizona, 1962 Arizona Highways, 1964 May Arkansas Geological Survey of 1892, 1960-1962 Army Distaff Foundation, Inc., 1960 Army Emergency Relief, Jan 1944 Army and Navy Contracts, 1934-1935 Articles about Hoover, 1948-1964 Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League, 1958-1961 Assembly of Captive European Nations, 1956-1957 27 Associated Press Correspondence, 1933-1961 Request for Obituary, 1945 August-November Atlantic Monthly, 1935-1963 Atomic Bomb, 1957-1963 Atomic Energy Commission Correspondence, 1947-1955 Clippings, 1946-1949 Atomic Industrial Forum, 1953 April Attlee, Prime Minister Clement, 1945-1949 28 Auction & Bazaar Items Requested. Correspondence, 1933-1964 (7 folders) Australia, 1942-1961 Austria, 1961 Austrian Relief, 1943-1948 Autographs, 1933-1945 Automobiles, Insurance, Repairs, Storage, etc., 1941-1957 (2 folders) 29 Aviation Correspondence, 1938-1962 Elliott Roosevelt – Air Force Appointment, 1940 Elliott Roosevelt and Fokker, 1936 Fiftieth Anniversary of Powered Flight, 1953

The Awakener, 1934-1936 B General, 1933-1964 (2 folders) Baltic Hearings, 1953-1954 Baltic States, 1941-1964 Banking Crisis The Last Hundred Days, - Hoover Manuscript and Log (2 folders) 30 Origins of the Banking Panic (Myers & Newton) President's Log and Documents, 1933 Bank Failure, undated Banks, 1937-1960 Banks and Banking Printed Matter, 1933-1964 (5 folders) 31 Printed Matter, 1933-1964 Clippings, 1933-1958 (2 folders) Banshees, 1945-1964 Bar Associations, 1934-1955 Barden Bill - Cardinal Spellman and Eleanor Roosevelt, 1949 Baronial Order of Magna Charta, 1956 Baseball, 1933-1964 (2 folders) 32 Battle of Britain, 1940 Belgian-American Educational Foundation, Inc Correspondence, 1938-1964 (4 folders) Hoover History of, 1956 Fulbright Exchange Program, 1956 Belgian Congo, 1952-1959 and undated Belgian League of Honor, 1936-1938 Belgium Correspondence, 1933-1964 Consul General at San Francisco, 1939-1944 33 King Baudouin's Visit to U.S. 1959 Correspondence, 1958-1959 Clippings, 1959 Princess Liliane Heart Foundation, 1958-1963 Surrender of the Belgian Army, May 1940 World's Fair Commission, 1939-1940 Benjamin Franklin, 1935-1938 and undated Benjamin Franklin Portrait by Louis Carrogis, 1937-1954 Berlin Crisis, 1948 Bermuda Conference, 1953 Better Government Association of Illinois, 1935-1937 Better Homes in America, Inc., 1933-1936 34 Beveridge Plan, 1942-1943 Bible, 1960 Biddle, Attorney General Francis J., 1942-1947 Big Brother Association, 1935-1939 Bill of Rights Chronology, 1951

Bill of Rights Commemoration Committee, 1941–1963 Biographical Material, 1933-1964 Biographical Sketches of Herbert Hoover, 1931-1965 and undated (4 folders) Biographical Sketches of HH Incorporated Into Citations and Awards, 1954-1958 35 Biographical Sketches of Individuals (2 folders) Birth Certificate, July 1948 Birthdays, Clippings, 1931-1964 (4 folders) Birthplace Cottage: Blueprints & Sketches, 1935-1964 36 Black, Justice Hugo L., 1937 (KKK membership) Blacksmith Shop, 1956-1957 Blair House, 1957 Blind - Correspondence, 1933-1963 Blind Children's Research Committee, 1938-1939 Bohemian Club & Grove, 1937-1964 Bonefish Trophy for Key Largo Anglers' Club, 1957-1959 Bookplate from Agricola Illustrations, 1934-1951 Books by Hoover Addresses Upon The American Road Correspondence, 1942-1955 (4 folders) 37 Distribution to Colleges (by state 6 folders) Distribution with "America's Way Forward", 1938-1939 Promotional Booklet, circa 1938 American Epic Correspondence with Publishers, 1958-1961 (3 folders) Correspondence, 1956-1960 (2 folders) 38 Correspondence, 1960-1964 (6 folders) Requests for Information & Permissions Quote, 1959-1964 (2 folders) 39 Response Mail, 1959-1964 (2 folders) American Individualism, 1933-1945 America's First Crusade, 1942-1945 Saturday Evening Post article, 1941 Response Mail, 1941-1942 (10 folders) 40 Response Mail, 1942 A Cause to Win, 1951 The Challenge to Liberty Response Mail – A-Ben, 1934-1935 (7 folders) 41 Response Mail – Ber-Caw, (8 folders) 42 Response Mail – Ch-Dix (8 folders) 43 Response Mail – Do-El (8 folders) 44 Response Mail – Em-Haz (8 folders)

45 Response Mail – Hea-Ju (9 folders) 46 Response Mail – Ka-McI (8 folders) 47 Response Mail – Mack-Nev (9 folders) 48 Response Mail – New-Rap (8 folders) 49 Response Mail – Ras-Sev (8 folders) 50 Response Mail – Sew-Stok (9 folders) 51 Response Mail – Ston-Web (10 folders) 52 Response Mail – Wed-Z and unknown (7 folders) Responses from Libraries to Charles Scribner's Complimentary Copies (by state), 1935 (2 folders) Distribution of Free Copies, 1934-1935 53 Printing Arrangements, 1934-1935 Condensation of Principles for Making Lasting Peace, 1943 Fishing for Fun Correspondence, 1962-1963 (3 folders) Letters with Advance copies, 1963 (2 folders) Mailing Lists Response Mail – A-Mc, 1963-1964 (3 folders) 54 Response Mail – M-Z and unidentified (2 folders) Forty Key Questions about Foreign Policy, 1952-1953 Memoirs Volume 1 Correspondence, 1941-53 (2 folders) Requests for Permission to Quote, 1952 Response Mail to Colliers Version, A – K, 1951-1952 (5 folders) 55 Response Mail to Colliers Version, L – Z, 1951-1952 (6 folders) Response Mail to Collier's Version, vol. 1 and 2 (2 folders) 56 Response Mail to Volume 1 – A-St, 1951-52 (10 folders) 57 Response Mail to Volume 1 – Su-Z (2 folders) Memoirs Volume 2 Correspondence Regarding Reviews, 1952 Response Mail, 1952-1955 (7 folders) 58 Memoirs Volume 3 Response Mail, 1952-1955 (7 folders) Responses from Libraries, 1952-1953 Alabama-Indiana (13 folders) 59 Iowa-West Virginia (36 folders)

60 Wisconsin-Wyoming (2 folders) New Approaches to Lasting Peace, 1943 Reader Survey, 1943 Reactions by Readers: A-L (6 folders) 61 Reactions by Readers: M-Y (4 folders) The New Day (campaign speeches) On Growing Up Correspondence, 1962 (2 folders) 62 Correspondence, 1962-1963 (3 folders) Response Mail, 1962-1963 (3 folders) Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson Correspondence, 1957-1958 (3 folders) 63 Correspondence, 1958-1961 (2 folders) Response Mail, 1957-1958 (7 folders) Clippings, 1957 Principles of Mining, 1947 Problems of Lasting Peace General, 1941–1942 64 Correspondence Literary Agent Eve Garrette, 1941-1942 (9 folders) 65 Literary Agent Eve Garrette, 1943-1944 (2 folders) Hoover's Office, 1942-1951 Garrette Advertising Clippings and Miscellaneous Distribution of Condensation, 1943 Form Letter and Clippings regarding Moscow Doctrine, undated Possibility of Movie, 1942 Requests for Promotion Endorsem*nts, 1942 Response Mail: B – D, 1942 (4 folders) 66 Response Mail: E – V, 1942 (10 folders) 67 Response Mail: W – Z, 1942 (2 folders) Response from School Libraries, 1943 Alabama-New Mexico (29 folders) 68 New York-Wyoming, Canada and Unidentified (22 folders) Sales Memos and Charts State Papers and Other Public Writings, 1934 We Must Stay Out of War, 1940 (unpublished manuscript) Books by and about Herbert Hoover, 1942-1964 69 Books on Mining Sent to Herbert Hoover, Jr., 1945-1947 Books Ordered for Hoover, 1934-1964 Book Shipments to Various Repositories, (Including Hoover Schools), 1941-1960 (2 folders)

Book Title Pages and Inscriptions for Books Discarded Boston Conference on Distribution, 1961 Boy Rangers of America, 1937-1944 (2 folders) Boy Scouts of America, Inc. Correspondence, 1933-1949 (3 folders) 70 Correspondence, 1950-1964 (3 folders) Book Reports on Hoover by Scouts in Buffalo Bill Council, undated Fifty Year History of Buffalo Bill Council (Davenport, Iowa), 1964 Financial & Membership Drive (12th Region) Correspondence, 1936-1937 (2 folders) Oscar C. Alverson, 1937-1942 Daniel C. Beard, 1934-1941 C. J. Carlson, 1935-1947 Raymond O. Hanson, 1938-1943 James E. West, 1935-1939 71 James E. West, 1940-1943 Reports and Printed Material, 1935-1963 (3 folders) Report on Youth Program of Marine Historical Association, Inc., 1948 Boys' Clubs of America Correspondence General, 1933-1938 (3 folders) 72 General, 1939-1948 (10 folders) 73 General, 1949-1958 (10 folders) 74 General, 1959-1964 (8 folders) 75 Undated Armstrong, David, 1941-1957 (8 folders) Bates, Sanford, 1936-1938 76 Bates, Sanford, 1938-1940 (2 folders) Cole, Albert, 1954-1964 (3 folders) Gleason, John M., 1956-1964 (5 folders) Hall, William E., 1936-1937 77 Hall, William E., 1937-1956 (6 folders) Hinds, A. Boyd, 1942-1950 (4 folders) 78 Hinds, A. Boyd, 1951-1964 (8 folders) Kirkland, J.B., 1936-1939 79 Kirkland, J.B., 1940-1941 (2 folders) Rudolph, Irving, 1945-1964 (4 folders) Stone, W. Clement, 1961-1963 Annual Conventions, 1958-1962 Award to Monsignor J. P. Carroll-Abbing, (Boys' Towns of Italy), 1959 Awards to Hoover, 1956-1964

Board of Directors Meetings, 1957-1962 80 Boy of the Year Award, 1956-1962 [31-hhpp-sub-b80-f01-bca] Charles Hayden Foundation, 1940-1955 Clippings, 1937-1960 Federal Charter Correspondence 1956 General Congressmen (2 folders) Governors Senators Fiftieth Anniversary – Hoover Speech 1956 [31-hhpp-sub-b80-f09-bca] General Wood Dedication, 1956 General Wood Dinner, 1960 Herbert Hoover Building, 1958-1960 81 Letters, etc. Re: Death of Hoover, 1964 (2 folders) Resolutions and Gifts from Clubs on Death of Hoover, 1964 Photographs and snapshots Printed Material (4 folders) 82 Printed Material (6 folders) 83 Printed Material Bulletin, 1926-1958 (4 folders) Newsletter, 1951-1963 Profiles, 1959-1967 Victory, 1942-1949 84 Printed Material (6 folders) 85 Printed Material (6 folders) Boys' Town (Father Flanagan's) 1938-1958 Brain Trust Charges by Dr. Wirt, 1934 Brannan, Charles F. 1948-1952 Branner-Hoover Correspondence, 1947 86 Brazil, 1949-1964 Bricker, John W. (Ohio member of Congress) Correspondence, 1943-1944 Clippings, 1943-1945 Bricker Amendment General, 1953-1954 Treaty Law and the Constitution, 1953 (article by Felix Morley) Bridges, Styles, 1940-1954 Britain. Clippings and Printed Matter, 1937-1949 (2 folders) 87 Britain. Clippings and Printed Matter, 1949-1953 (2 folders) British Broadcasting Company, 1936-1938 Broadcast Pioneers Award to Hoover, 1961 Brook Club, 1932-1959 Brookings Institution, 1934-1960

Broun, Heywood Correspondence and clippings, 1939 Criticism of "Challenge to Liberty", 1934 Brown, Herbert D. A Program for Employment Insurance, Feb 1944 Brownell, Herbert, Jr. Comments on Harry Dexter White, 1953 Brussels Conference on European Union, 1948 Bryan, William Jennings. Comments on 1920 Election Buchanan Committee - Reports in Congressional Record 1950 Budget Miscellaneous, 1933-1940 (4 folders) 88 Bureau of the Budget, 1950-1964 Juggling and Balancing War Department, 1948 Bullitt, William C. Tragedy of Versailles (Life magazine article) Bundles for Britain, 1940 Burlingame Country Club, 1933-1947 Burma Corporation LTD., 1954 Busts of Hoover, 1935-1954 Butano Forest Associates, 1949 Byrd, Harry F., 1946-1951 Byrd Associates, 1937-1938 C General: Ca – Civil Air (4 folders) 89 C General: Civil War-Cz (5 folders) Calendar (prepared in 1941) Draft Copy, 1914-1918 Typed Copy, 1901-1927 California Academy of Sciences Correspondence, 1934-1941 90 Council Meetings: Notices and Minutes, 1934-1940 (3 folders) Applications for Curator and Assistant Curator, 1935-1936 Applications for Director, 1935 California Almond Growers Exchange, 1934-1935 California Club of Los Angeles, 1949-1958 California Geological Survey of 1895 California Picketing Act, 1938-1939 (2 folders) California Prison Association, 1940 California Water Power, 1940 Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation, 1962-1964 Campaign 1932 Press Releases 91 Campaign 1934. Memo on Congressional Elections, Clippings Campaign 1936 Book of the Republican National Convention Correspondence, 1935-1936 Handbook of Current Statistical Data (2 folders) List of Hoover Supporters, 1936 List of National Committeemen, National Committeewomen, State Chairmen, County Chairmen and Delegates and Alternates to the Republican National

Convention (2 folders) New York Herald-Tribune: "Cleveland & Hoover: A Parallel," 2/11/36 Printed Material and Clippings 92 Printed Material and Clippings (2 folders) Press Releases No. 22-325 (4 folders) 93 Press Releases. No. 326-865 (10 folders) 94 Press Releases. No. 886-1205 (8 folders) 95 Press Releases. No. 1206-1399 (6 folders) Democratic Propaganda Campaign 1938 Correspondence, 1937 Clippings and Printed Matter (2 folders) 96 Republican Program Committee. Documents 1-42 (7 folders) Campaign 1938-1939: Republican Program Committee 97 Campaign 1939 Campaign 1940 Balloting Estimates, 1933, 1940 and undated Candidates Dewey, Thomas, 1940 Gannett, Frank, June 1940 and undated Strength and Delegates, 1940 and undated Willkie, Wendell, Apr-Nov 1940, 1947, 1978 Correspondence, 1940 Delegates Correspondence, Dec 1939-June 1940 Lists, 1940 Polls California, Apr-May 1940 (includes ballot) Fox, Alan, Mar-June 1940 and undated Hurja, Emil, May 1939, Apr 13, 1940 Minneapolis, May 16, 1940 and undated 98 Richmond, Raymond S., Apr-June 1940 Summaries, May-June 1940 and undated Tabulations and Correspondence, June-Dec 1940 and undated Test Poll by Postcard, 1940 Republican County Chairmen by state, 1940 Republican National Committee Correspondence, 1938-1940 (2 folders) Officer Lists – National and State Central Committees, Nov 1939-Mar 1940 Republican National Convention Accommodations, Mar-June 1940 Committee and Press Lists, Feb-June 1940 and undated Hoover Press Conference, June 26, 1940 Hoover’s Notes on Issues, June 1940 (possibly for Press Conference)

State Republican Parties – Correspondence and Printed, Feb-June 1940 and undated Clippings, Mar-June 1940 99 Clippings (3 folders) Printed Material Roosevelt (2 folders) Willkie General 100 General (2 folders) Campaign 1944 Correspondence, Memos, Compilations Advertising Copy & One minute Radio Talks CIO Political Action Committee (2 folders) Democratic National Committee Foreign Language Press Surveys, 9/8/44 101 Foreign Language Press Surveys, 9/15-10/13/1944 (3 folders) Printed Material and Clippings (2 folders) Speeches, Press Releases, Radio Talks, Statements, Editorials, Aug-Nov 1944 (2 folders) Campaign 1946 Campaign 1948 Printed Material and Clippings 102 Republican National Convention List of Delegates Printed Material and Clippings Campaign 1950 Campaign 1951-1952 Correspondence and miscellaneous (2 folders) Printed Material and Clippings (2 folders) Democratic Party - Printed Material Campaign 1952 Eisenhower Anti-Ike Campaign Material (2 folders) 103 Articles, Editorials & Clippings, 1951-1952 (2 folders) Record, Quotations and Clippings Printed Material Mr. Stassen's Mortarboard – Memo Pre-convention Struggle for Republican Nomination Republican National Convention Correspondence General, 1952 Regarding Hoover's Appointments Hoover's Address, 7/8/52 (clippings) Taft Correspondence, 1951-1952 Pre-convention Clippings, 1951-1952

Pre-convention Struggle 104 Pre-convention Printed Material Polls Taft Citizens Committee (2 folders) Taft’s RNC Delegates Campaign 1954 Correspondence, Printed Material and Clippings Speeches by Vice-president Nixon Campaign 1956 Correspondence, Statement of Principles and Printed Material Printed Material (4 folders) 105 Campaign 1960 Correspondence regarding convention, 1960 Correspondence regarding platform and campaign suggestions, 1960 Printed Material Concerning Kennedy and Nixon (3 folders) Campaign 1964 Convention Campaign for the 48 States, 1956-1957 Campfire Girls, 1949-1964 Canadian Spy Case, 1946 (2 folders) 106 Canadian Spy Case, 1946 (2 folders) Capitol Hill Club, 1950–1964 Cardozo Appointment, 1938 CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere) Correspondence, 1946-1964 (3 folders) 107 Pamphlets Colombia (2 vols.) Haiti Poland Turkey Vietnam International Programs for Health Improvement International Programs Using American Farm Abundance Carl Sandberg - Lincoln Memorial - Proposed Booklet, 1962 Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, Inc., 1940-1946 Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1937-1961 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1960 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1948-1957 108 Carnegie Hall, 1960 Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh, 1943 Carnegie Institution of Washington Correspondence, 1934-1953 (2 folders) Board of Trustees Correspondence, 1933-1949 (2 folders) Financial Statements, Minutes of Executive Committee, 1932-1946 (3 folders) Fiscal Procedures Manual, 1948 Invitations, 1935-1945

Photograph of Trustees, 1940 109 Press Releases & Broadcasts, 1936-1947 Printed Matter, 1933-1961 Publications, Correspondence, 1935-1946 Reports of the President, 1933-1948 (2 folders) Carrie Jacobs Bond Epitaph, 1947 Cartoons, 1933-1960 Castle (William) diaries, 1939-1941 Cedar County (Iowa) Historical Review, June 1961 Censorship, 1933-1935 Censorship and misuse of power, 1934-1936 110 Central Intelligence Agency – Correspondence and clippings, 1950, 1954 Century Association, 1941-1961 Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, 1943-1962 Chamber of Commerce of the United States Correspondence, 1934-1962 Printed Material and Clippings, 1935-1953 Chambers of Commerce - Correspondence and printed material, 1933-1964 (3 folders) Charles B. Coates & Company, Inc., 1953-1963 111 Charles B. Coates & Company, Inc., 1953-1963 Charles Scribner's Sons – Correspondence, 1936-1957 Charles University (Prague). Honorary LLD to Hoover, Mar 6, 1938 Chase, Edward E. Annual Four-Flushers Reports, 1933-1937 Chicago Bible Society: Gutenberg Award to Hoover, 1954 Chicago Community Trust: Reprint of Hoover Speech, 1953 (#3170) Chicago Engineers' Club, 1943-1963 Chicago Sunday Evening Club, 1940-1956 Child Health, 1933-1937 Child Labor, 1933-1936 (2 folders) Child Study Association of America, 1962 Child Welfare, 1936-1958 112 Child Welfare League of America, Inc., 1934-1937 Children's Aid Society, 1938-1964 Children's Charter, 1939-1945 China Correspondence, 1933-1964 (2 folders) Dispatches from Nationalist Chinese representatives in the U.S. to their government, 1949-1950 Hoover and Recognition of Red China, 1954 Printed Matter Rescue of Children by Hoover during Boxer Rebellion – (Ripley’s Believe It or Not script), 1938 113 State Department Discussions on American policy toward China, Oct 6-8, 1948 Christian Century, 1943-1962 Christian Endeavor, 1940-1962 Christian Rural Overseas Program (CROP), 1949-1951

Christian Science Monitor, 1939-1962 Christmas Guest Lists 1958, 1961, undated (2 folders) Speeches by Hoover at Christmas Eve Dinners, 1952-1961 Christmas Seals - Hoover Endorsem*nt, 1933-1938 Chronology of Important Economic & Financial Events, 1914-1943 Church Councils, 1938-1949 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon Church, LDS Church) Correspondence, 1940-1960 Addresses of President J. Reuben Clark, 1938 114 Churches Correspondence, 1933-1964 (2 folders) Printed Material and Clippings, 1944-1958 Churchill, Winston. Clippings, 1943-1958 (5 folders) 115 Circuit Riders, Inc., 1956-60 (2 folders) Circumnavigators Club – Award to Hoover, 5/23/63 Citadel - Honorary LLD to Hoover, 1958 Citizens' Committee for Hoover Report, 1949-1960 Citizen's Foreign Aid Committee, 1962-1967 Citizens' League on Government and Taxation, 1935-1939 Civil Service Correspondence, 1955-1960 Clippings, 1933-1938 Memos, Statistics, Printed Material, 1933-1938 116 Civilian Conservation Corps – Clippings, 1935 Clark, Mark – Clippings, 1947 Code Names, undated The Coffee House, 1957-1961 Colleges and Universities A–C, 1933-1964 (5 folders) 117 Columbia University – Correspondence, 1941-1964 (2 folders) Cooper Union for Advancement of Science and Art Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Cooper Union Address, Feb 27, 1960 (formerly AL17) Correspondence, 1945-1963 (2 folders) Printed Material, 1960-1963 Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, 1933-1959 D–E 118 Earlham College Correspondence, 1939-1964 Printed Material, 1939-1964 F–G (2 folders) George Fox College, 1944-1964 H, 1933-1963 Harvard University, 1933-1964 I–L

119 M–O (2 folders) New York University, 1933-1964 Ohio Wesleyan University, 1939-1964 P–S (4 folders) 120 Temple University University of A–C University of California University of Chicago Round Table - Libel of Hoover, 1939-1950 (3 folders) University of D–I Investments, 1957-1958 University of J– 121 University of P–U Valparaiso University – Washington and Jefferson Washington and Lee University, 1947-1949 Wellesley–Whitman Whittier College, 1937-1961 (2 folders) Wilberforce–Whitman William Penn College, 1935-1961 William Rice–Willimantic Wilmington College, 1947-1964 Wilson–Youngstown Collier's, 1935-1966 122 Collier's Congressional Award Committee, 1945 (2 folders) Collier's Reference Service, 1943-1957 Colorado River Commission (Compact), 1933-1962 Colorado River Commission (Compact) – Legislative History and Chronology by Dobbel Colored Question Correspondence and Clippings, 1933-1964 Printed Material, 1933-1964 Columbia Broadcasting System Correspondence, 1933-1963 (2 folders) 123 Helen Sioussat, 1939-1964 (3 folders) Printed Material, 1933-1964 Commerce Department Correspondence, 1942-1963 Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 1947-1957 Commission for Polish Relief, Inc., 1941 Commission for Relief in Belgium Lou Henry Hoover and the CRB by Herbert Hoover, circa 1955 Directory of Members, 1944-1952 Commission for Relief in Belgium Educational Foundation, Inc., 1934-1948 Commission of Inquiry on Public Service Personnel, 1934-1935 Commission on Foreign Economic Policy – Reports, 1954 124 Commission on Hospital Care, 1944-1946 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1953-1954 Commission on Money and Credit, 1959

Committee for Constitutional Government, 1942-1960 (2 folders) Committee for Economic Development (CED), 1948-1964 Committee for Monroe Doctrine, 1962 Committee for the Nation, 1933-1934 Committee for One Million, 1953-1961 (2 folders) Committee on Industrial Change, undated Committee on National Resources & Conservation, 1954 125 Committee to Proclaim Liberty, 1951 Common Market, 1961-1964 Commonwealth Club of California Correspondence, 1933-1961 Printed Matter, 1940-1945 Communism Correspondence, 1951-1964 Clippings, 1939-1940 Printed Material, 1936-1945 (2 folders) 126 Printed Material, 1952-1964 and undated (3 folders) Communist Propaganda - Union Type, 1947-1948 Community Chests, 1933-1949 Complimentary Publications, 1933-1937 (4 folders) 127 Complimentary Publications, 1938-1964 (6 folders) Conference of National Organizations, 1955-1959 Congress General, 1934-1938 128 Clippings Congressional Club History, 1957 Congressional Committees: 85th Congress, 1957-1958 Congressional Ranking: 83rd Congress Congressional Record - articles on Hoover, 1963 (2 folders) Conservation, 1933-1964 Constitution Clippings (2 folders) Memos, Excerpts, etc., 1933-64 Printed Material (2 folders) 129 Printed Material Constitutional Powers, 1933 Consulting Engineer: Correspondence, 1952-1963 Coolidge Historic Site Dedication, 1957 Cosmos Club (Washington, D.C.), 1934-1961 Cost of Living, 1935-1937 Coughlin, Charles E. 1933-1936 Council for the Advancement of Small Colleges Correspondence, 1957-1961 Printed Material, 1957-1961 Council for Democracy, 1941-1942 Council for Economic Growth and Security, 1960-1961

Council for International Progress in Management (USA), Inc., 1958-1959 130 Council on Foreign Relations, 1937-1961 (2 folders) Credit Cards, 1933-1942 Crime and Crime Prevention, 1933-1960 (4 folders) 131 Crime and Crime Prevention, 1960-1961 (2 folders) Crowell Publishing Company, 1939-1964 Crusaders, Inc., 1933-1937 Cuba (2 folders) Cuban Crisis, 1961 Cross References Cummings, Homer, 1933-1936, undated Czechoslovakia General, 1933-1958 Bulletin of the Masaryk Institute, 1938-1939 D Miscellaneous 132 D Miscellaneous Daughters of the American Revolution, 1937-1964 Deafness, 1934-1961 Death Valley Projects, 1951 Delta Phi Epsilon, 1952-1960 Democratic Morals, 1951 Democratic National Committee Correspondence and Printed Material, 1937-1954 Campaigns, 1934-1964 Depression Clippings, 1934-1960 and undated (3 folders) Cost, 1935-1936 Origins - printed material, 1933-1937 (2 folders) 133 Pump Priming, 1938-1939 Recovery Foreign, 1935-1939 Quotes on 1932, 1933-1939 Recovery began in the summer of 1932: Statistical Evidence Report, 1935 U.S. - Printed Material, 1933-1939, undated (4 folders) World Economic Conditions, 1934-1938 134 Dies, Martin, 1943 Disarmament, 1933-1963 Dixon-Yates Power Contract, 1955 Dogs and Other Pets, 1938-1964 Doodles – Correspondence, 1936-1959 Doubleday and Company, 1933-1964 Dulles, John Foster, 1933-1959 Dumbarton Oaks, 1944-1945 Dunn Survey Report, 1943 135 Dutch Treat Club, 1939-64 E Miscellaneous

Earth Science Award from Stanford, 1963 Echoes of the Past, 1959-1960 Economic Advisors (Presidential) Correspondence, 1945-1948 Printed Material and Clippings, 1949-1950 Economic Clubs and Foundations - Correspondence, 1939-1957 Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA), 1949 Economic and Financial Events - Chronology, 1929-1933 Economic Matters - Printed Material, 1933-1964 Economic Stabilization Agency, 1951 136 Economy: American Correspondence, 1933-1937 America's Economy in 1971, 1961 Memo by Hoover, 1951 Economy In Government (Arthur Kemp), 1958 Ecuador Relief, 1949 Education Correspondence, 1933-1960 Printed Material, 1946-1964 Edwin C. Hill Broadcasts, 1933 Effective Citizens' Organization, 1956-1963 Eisenhower, Dwight David Birthday, 68th, 1958 Clippings (2 folders) Eisenhower Center, Abilene, Kansas - Printed Material, 1962 Eisenhower Inauguration Clippings, 1953, 1957 (2 folders) 137 Election Graft, 1935-1940 Electric Power: Government vs. Private Ownership Analysis by F.W. Scheidenhelm, 1953 Eisenhower Speech, 1953 Hoover Speech Draft, 1953 Lee Report, 1953 McKay, Secretary of Interior, 1953 Miscellaneous Data, 1953 (4 folders) Morse, Wayne 1953 Tennessee Valley Authority, 1953 Electrical Utilities - Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, 1945 Elizabeth II Reception - Invitation, 1957 Employment Statistics, 1933-1939 Encyclopedia Britannica Correspondence, 1939-1961 Hoover Biography, 1957 Encyclopedia of Technological Sciences, 1933 138 Endorsem*nt for Parker Pen Company, 1958 Engineering Education Correspondence, 1949-1950 Printed Material, 1953-1956 Engineering Societies and Clubs, 1933-1964 (A-W, 5 folders)

Engineers' Club of New York - Diamond Anniversary, 1957-1963 Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, 1939-1964 139 Engineers' Joint Council, 1954-1960 Epigrams of Hoover, undated Estate of Jesse and Huldah Hoover, 1933-1938 Estate Planning, 1962-1964 Ethiopia, 1936-1937 European Defense Community (EDC), 1954 European Recovery Program - Printed and Clippings, 1948-1949 (2 folders) Executives Club of Chicago, 1942-1952 Explorers Club, 1936-1964 F Miscellaneous (2 folders) 140 F Miscellaneous (folder 3) Fact Magazine, 1935 Facts Flow, undated Family Weekly, 1959-1961 Famine Emergency Committee Agriculture Department Educational Campaign, 1946 (6 folders) 141 Austria Correspondence Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings Statistical Information, Reports, Memos (2 folders) Miscellaneous Belgium Correspondence Press Conferences, Press Releases, Memos Statistical Information, Reports, Memos Miscellaneous Canada - Statistical Information, Reports, Memos China Correspondence Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings Statistical Information, Reports, Memos, Maps 142 Czechoslovakia Correspondence Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings Statistical Information, Reports, Memos Denmark Correspondence Press Conference, April 11, 1946 Statistical Information, Reports, Memos Egypt Correspondence Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings Statistical Information, Reports, Memos Finland Correspondence

Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings Printed Material (2 folders) Statistical Information, Reports, Memos France Correspondence 143 Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings Statistical Information, Reports, Memos (2 folders) Germany Correspondence (2 folders) Press Conferences, Press Releases, Reports, Clippings Lochner Reports, Statistical Information, Reports, Memos Statistical Information, Reports, Memos (1 folders) 144 Statistical Information, Reports, Memos (5 folders) Great Britain Correspondence Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings Statistical Information, Reports, Memos 145 Greece Correspondence Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings Statistical Information, Reports, Memos Holland Correspondence Statistical Information, Reports, Memos Hungary India Correspondence Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings, Radio Printed Material Statistical Information, Reports, Memos 146 Iraq Italy Correspondence Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings Statistical Information, Reports, Memos Japan Correspondence Press Conferences, Press Releases, Clippings Statistical Information, Reports, Memos (2 folders) Korea Norway Philippines 147 Poland Correspondence Press Conferences and Releases, Memos, Reports, Clippings Printed Material

South America Yugoslavia General Cables Cables - Bernice Miller (2 folders) Cables - Miscellaneous Codes Correspondence Correspondents and Press Relations Dear Julius Letters (Frank Mason) 148 Diaries Herbert Hoover Diaries South American Trip World Trip Hugo Meier Diary Maurice Pate Diary Itineraries Letters of Appreciation Log Miscellaneous Personnel Press Statements and Conferences, Radio Broadcasts Report on Children General Countries Report to the President Reports Statements and Speeches (2 folders) Fan Letters, 1933-1964 149 Farley, James A., 1942-1948 Federal Bureau of Investigation Correspondence, 1957-1964 Printed Material, 1946-1964 Federal Commissions, Committees, Boards, Bureaus and Agencies, 1933 Federal Communications Commission – Correspondence, 1959-1961 Federal Emergency Relief Authority (FERA) – Clipping, 1935 Federal Home Loan Bank, 1949-1959 Federal Housing Administration, 1957-1959 150 Fight for Freedom, Inc., 1940-1944, undated (2 folders) Film Shipments to Hoover Schools of NBC's "A Conversation with Hoover", 1959 Finland Correspondence, 1938-1965 (2 folders) Printed Material and Clippings, 1939-1964 Visit of President of Finland, 1961 Finnish Relief Fund, Inc. Correspondence, 1939-1947 Employees, 1939-1940

151 Printed Material and Clippings, 1940 First Voters League, 1937-1939 Fiscal Policy Comptroller General, 1938-1942 Congress as Santa Claus, 1939 Currency Stabilization, 1933-1934 Debt Correspondence, Memos, 1933-1938 Clippings, 1933-1960 (2 folders) Farley Post Office Deficit, 1934-1936 Printed Material, 1933-1940 Gold and Devaluation Correspondence, 1933-1964 152 Clippings, 1935-1939 Printed Matter, 1933-1940 Silver, 1933-4190 (2 folders) Snyder, John W. – clippings, 1945-1949 Spending Policy of the Federal Government Clippings and Printed Matter, 1934-1938 (3 folders) 153 Clippings and Printed Matter, 1939-40 (2 folders) Comparing Costs with Foreign Governments, 1936 Stabilization Fund, 1939 Fishing Correspondence, 1933-1964 (3 folders) Printed Material, 1961-1962 Flanders Hearing, 1948 Flushing Remonstrance, 1957 Food General Correspondence, 1938-1947 Printed Material and Clippings (2 folders) Citizen's Food Committee, 1947 154 Food for Peace Agriculture Secretary Benson, 1958-1959 Correspondence: George McGovern, 1961 Food for the Small Democracies (Belgium, Holland, Norway, Denmark and Poland) Correspondence, 1940-1942 Facing the Facts, 1941 Printed Material and Clippings, 1940-1942 International Emergency Food Council, 1946-1948 World Wars I and II Correspondence, 1942-1956 155 British Rations: American Rations and Meat Control, 1942-1943 Dairy Situation, 1941-1943 European Situation, 1938-1943 (7 folders)

156 European Situation, 1944, undated (2 folders) Farm Labor and Machinery, 1943 Food and Market Reports, 1943 Food in W W I: Mr. West's Investigation, 1943 (2 folders) Food Prices, Conservation and Consumption (Jenkins letter), 1937-46 157 General, 1942-43, undated (5 folders) Grains and Feed, 1943 Hoover Food Speech, Jan 21, 1943 Hoover Notes, undated Livestock and Meat, 1943 Passport, 1916 Printed Material, 1940-1942 158 Printed Material, 1943-1944, undated (3 folders) Production and Acreage Estimates, 1943 Rationing, 1943 Statistics on Specific Foods and Regulations in WWI (2 folders) Subsidies, 1943 Sugar, 1942 Wheat Studies by Food Research Institute at Stanford, 1940-1942 159 Wheat Studies by Food Research Institute at Stanford, 1943-1944 (with indexes, 3 folders) Football, 1940-1963 For America, 1955-1956 Ford Foundation, 1949-1960 Ford Motor Company, 1960-1961 Foreign Affairs magazine, 1933-1937 Foreign Aid Printed Material and Clippings, 1938-1963 Munitions, 1937-1938 Foreign Credits, Debts and Loans, 1933-1948 Foreign Language Information Service, 1935-1939 Foreign Language Publishers, 1940 160 Foreign Letters General, 1933-1954 (5 folders) Germany, 1947-1954 (3 folders) 161 Foreign Loans – Clippings, 1946 Foreign Policy General, 1950-1951 (3 folders) American Foreign Policy, 1948-1951 Hoover memo and memo by Claire Booth Luce, 1954 Japanese Peace Treaty, 1951-1952 Observations by H.J. Heinz II on Trip to Holland, Sep 8-12, 1945 Opposition Speeches, 1950 (2 folders) 162 Opposition Speeches, 1951 Removing Reds from U.N., 1950

Statement Assailing War Powers issued by Hoover, Aug 5, 1941 Truman-Eisenhower Memo, Jan 28, 1952 Unpublished Article by Hoover, 1940 Unpublished Memo by Hoover, Sep 6, 1954 Printed Material and Clippings, 1940-1949, 1952-1963, undated (3 folders) 163 Foreign Policy Association. Correspondence and Printed Material, 1935-1960 (2 folders) Foreign Relief - Clippings, 1945-1946 Former Staff Members, 1956 Formosa: The Government, the People and the Problem Today by George Kerr, 1950 Forrestal, James - Obituaries, May 1949 Forrestal Memorial Committee, 1951-1953 Fortune Magazine, 1936-1943 Forty-Two Years In The White House by Irwin (Ike) Hoover –articles in the Saturday Evening Post, 1934-1935 Foster Parents' Plan for Spanish Children, Inc., 1939-1940 Foster Parents' Plan for War Children, Inc., 1940-1952 Foundation for America (formerly the American Foundation), 1945-1951 Foundation for Economic Education, 1948-1958 164 Foundation for Religious Action in the Social and Civic Order, 1954-1960 Foundation for Voluntary Welfare, 1956-1958 Fox Film Company, Nov 1933 France New Deal in France, 1940-1959 Relief, 1939-1946 Telegrams and Cross References, 1940-1964 Frank (Presidential), 1938-1963 Franklin Institute, 1938 Fraternal Societies and Organizations, 1934-1961 Free Europe Committee, Inc. 1955-63 Freedom Documents Foundation, 1961-64 Freedom Party, 1950 Freedom Week, Philadelphia, 1961 165 Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, 1949-1964 (8 folders) The Freeman General, 1950-1951 166 General, 1952-1962 (2 folders) A Cause to Win (Hoover speeches), 1951 Correspondence regarding advertising, 1952 Free subscription offers, 1950 Free Subscription responses, 1950-1953 (2 folders) 167 Friends Organizations (Quakers) Correspondence and Printed Material, 1933-1964, undated (3 folders) Friends Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1933-1964 Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1940-1961 Fund for Adult Education, 1959-1962

Fund for the Republic, 1955-1963 G General, 1933-1964 (2 folders) 168 Gallup Poll, 1939 Genealogy, 1933-1959 General Electric Defense Quarterly, 1959-1961 General Motors Corporation, 1939-1960 Geneva Four-Power Conference, 1954-1955 George B. Christian Fund, 1939-1942 (2 folders) George Junior Republic, 1939-1961 George Washington Carver Memorial Institute, 1947-1963 German American League Letter to Hoover, 1939 German Refugees, 1935-1939 Germany Correspondence, 1949-1961 169 Feeding of Children: Letters of Appreciation and Gifts, 1947-1950 Feeding of Germany, 1946 Goebbel's Diary, 1948 Nazis Correspondence, 1939-1940 Clippings, 1935-1940 Printed Material, 1938-1940 Post WW II statement by Hoover, 1948 Printed Material, 1948-63 Relief, 1939-1947 170 Report of November, 1954 (Hugo Meier Copy) Visit of President Theodor Heuss, June 1958 Gifts – Correspondence A – Z, 1933-1964 (5 folders) Gifts – Correspondence Inca Mask: Peru Giles, J. A., 1935 171 Girl Scouts Correspondence, 1937-1964 (2 folders) Printed Material, 1944-1964 Girls' Clubs of America Correspondence, 1939-64 (2 folders) Glenn, John H., 1962 Goethe Bicentennial Foundation, 1947-1949 Gorki, Maxim 1922-1949 Government Competition with Business Clippings Report, undated 172 Government Reorganization, 1937-1958 Grass Valley (California) Fete, July 4, 1935 Greece, 1939-1958 Greek Order of St. Dennis of Zante, 1961-1964 Greek Relief, 1940-1951 (4 folders) Greek-Turk Policy, 1947-1948 (3 folders) Greetings of Gratitude from children of Kaufebeuren and Wilderstadt, Germany,

1947-1948 Grew, Joseph C. Personal Notes and Conversations on Japan Pages 5073-5213, May 1941 (3 folders) 173 Pages 5214-5605, June-August 1941 (8 folders) Japanese Press & Embassy Telegrams 174 Pages 5624-5812, September 1941 (2 folders) Japanese Press & Embassy Telegrams Arthur Kemp Memo regarding Notes Hoover memo on "Grew's Book", Dec 16, 1944 Clippings, 1943-1948 Gridiron Club, 1933-1961 (3 folders) Grocery Manufacturers of America, 1957-1958 Grolier Society, 1944-1953 175 H General, 1933-1964 Hall of Fame for Great Americans: New York University Correspondence, 1937-1962 (2 folders) Printed Material and Clippings, 1960-1962 Hall, Willis L. – Utah Photos and negatives, undated Hammond's War Map, ca. 1940 Happy Birthday, Herbert Hoover. Article by Ben Hibbs, 1962 Harding, Warren – Death. Memo for Samuel Adams Incredible Era, 1946 Harding Memorial Association, 1933-1964 Harriman, W. Averell, 1943-1948 Hartigan, Col. John D., 1951 176 Hatch Bill, 1939 ‘Having a Wonderful Time’ Columns by Georgiana X. Preston, 1942 Health Information Foundation Correspondence, 1950-1957 Printed Material (3 folders) Hearing Aids, 1955-1962 Hearst Newspapers, 1945-1963 Helium Sale to Germany, 1937 Help Finland, Inc., 1945-1960 177 Herbert Hoover Dike Dedication, 1961 Herbert Hoover Humanitarian by Mildred Houghton Comfort, 1960-1963 Herbert Hoover remembers his former teacher Mollie Carran, article, 1955 Herbert Hoover's Stanford Training. Ray Lyman Wilbur to Will Irwin, Dec 7, 1927 Herrick, Myron T., 1954 Highway and Traffic Safety, 1935-1964 Hiss, Alger and Whittaker Chambers Case-Clippings, 1949-1950 Historic St. Luke's Restoration, 1953 Historical Societies – Correspondence (2 folders) Holland, 1941-1948 Holland Society of New York: Award to Hoover, 1947-1948 178 Hollywood Museum, 1963-64

Holograph Hoover Letters, 1951-1963 Home Building & Home Ownership, 1937-1958 Honorary and Sponsoring Committees, 1933-1964 (4 folders) Honorary Degrees List, undated Foreign Universities - List September 1954 Honors and Awards Correspondence A-N, 1933-1964 (2 folders) 179 Correspondence O—Z, 1933-1964 Compilation by Hoover Institute Correspondence, 1954 Copies 1954 (3 folders) Records of Bernice Miller, 1959-1961 Working Copies of Marietta Fuller (3 folders) 180 Hoover, Allan Hoover, Herbert Jr. 1954-1964 Hoover, Lou Henry Correspondence, 1952-1963 Death, Funeral and Tributes, 1944 Dedication Ceremonies, 1945-1956 Disinternment and Reinternment, 1964 and undated Hall Dedication San Jose State College, 1960-1961 Lou Henry Hoover Room at Stanford, 1944 Memorial Forests and Wildlife Sanctuaries, 1954-1959 Memorial YWCA Building, Palo Alto, 1961-1962 School, Whittier, California, 1944-1961 Tribute by Ray Lyman Wilbur, Jan 14, 1944 Hoover, Theodore, 1929-1950 Hoover Administration Banking Collapse Summary Bureaucracy and the Merit System Constitutionality of Laws Contrast of Two Administrations, 1938-1939 Expenditures & Taxes Federal Budget up to Date Federal Finance Freezing of Prices & Wages by Agreement Juggling the Budget Keeping within the Constitution Legend of Hoover who “Did Nothing’” Measures and Actions Taken in the Recession and Depression New Currency Policies Optimism of Presidents in Periods of Recession and Depression Policies & Actions of the Hoover Administration on the Depression Recovery Won by the Hoover Administration Reduction of Federal Employees Pay The True Causes of the Banking Panic of 1933 The True Republican Record, 1929-1933 Untitled

181 Hoover Association, 1949-1950 Hoover Church Affiliation, 1939-1940 Hoover Dam Correspondence, 1929-1962 (2 folders) Clippings, 1931-1971 (5 folders) 182 Printed Material, 1922-1962, undated (2 folders) Hoover Day, 1969 Hoover Freedom Awards, 1959 Hoover Funeral Hoover Homes, 1957-1960, undated Hoover Institution on War, Revolution & Peace Correspondence General, 1934-1961 (5 folders) 183 General, 1962 Suda Bane, 1937-1953 Marietta Fuller, 1927-1937 (regarding the “bible”) Arthur A. Brown (Architect), 1937-1939 Lloyd Dinkelspiel (Chairman of the Board of Trustees), 1953-1958 Annual Report of the Chairman, 1931-1932 Articles Regarding Institute, 1956-1957 Belgian Crucifix, 1957-1958 Building Plans, Specs, etc. 1939 Carillon, 1939–1963 Clippings, 1928-1954 184 Clippings, 1955-1964 (2 folders) Collection Program, 1938 and undated Dedication of Hoover Memorial Room, 7/20/65 Finance Drive & Building Plans, 1937-1938 Grant by Scaife Family, 1964 Hoover Archives, 1958-1960 List of Publications, 1960 Material Prepared for Hoover 1938 Meetings of Advisory Board, 1949-1956 (3 folders) 185 Meetings of Advisory Board, 1957-1964 (6 folders) National Youth Administration, 1937-1942 Photograph of Hoover Tower, undated Printed Material, 1925-1956 186 Printed Material, 1957-1969 and undated (2 folders) Special Collections: Fisher and Almond Memo, 1940 Hoover Medal Board of Award, 1940-1962 Hoover on Iowa - Memo, undated Hoover personal affairs: Household, Clothing, Diet, 1933-1962 and undated (2 folders) Hoover Quotations on Education, 1953 Hoover Schools California

Correspondence, 1933-1964 Lakewood Correspondence, 1956-1960 Printed Material, 1959-1961 San Diego, 1949-1964 187 Stockton, 1953-1959 Germany, 1955-1964 (photos) Illinois, 1953-1962 Iowa, 1950-1964 (2 folders) Michigan, 1953-1961 New Jersey - Bergenfield, 1953 New York - Kenmore, 1963 Oklahoma Correspondence, 1955-1964 Enid, 1958-1964 (2 folders) 188 Enid, 1958–1964 (3 folders) Oregon, 1952-58 Pennsylvania, 1949-1965 Washington, 1947-1953 West Virginia, 1962-1964 Wisconsin, 1953-1960 Hoover Tree at Stanford, 1953 Hoover Visitors - Waldorf Astoria - List, 1959-1964 Hoover Voting (absentee), 1942-1948 Hoover Wilderness: Toiyabe and Inyo National Forests, 1964 (map) Hoover's Activities - Statistics - Lists 1933-1964 Hoover's Mistakes Editorial Wallace (Idaho) Miner 5/23/40 Newspaper Coverage 189 Newspapers Coverage Response Mail, 1940 (8 folders) 190 Hoover's Mistakes and 7½ Year Income of the Roosevelts, 1940 Hopkins, Harry, 1942-1945 Horatio Alger Awards Committee of the American Schools and Colleges Association, 1952-1963 Hospitals, 1948-1960 Hotels General, 1933-1964 Drake Hotel (Chicago), 1936-1951 Mark Hopkins (San Francisco), 1949-1962 Mayflower (Washington DC), 1933-1961 House, Colonel Edward M., May 5, 1957 House Un-American Activities Committee, 1947 Housing Correspondence, 1934-1945 191 Printed Material and Clippings, 1934-1936

Howe, Louis (Secretary to FDR): Clippings, 1933 Hughes, Charles Evans, 1938-1958 Hull, Cordell. Printed Material and Clippings, 1938-1948 Human Events, 1945-1964 Hungary – Relief Correspondence, 1947-1958 Clippings, 1950-1957 Huntington Library and Art Gallery Correspondence, 1933-1950 (2 folders) 192 Correspondence, 1951-1964 Friends of Huntington Library, 1939-1951 Publications, 1939-1948 Trustees - Correspondence, 1935-1956 Trustees - Minutes, 1936-1956 (2 folders) Executive Committee – Minutes, 1940-1948 (2 folders) Financial Reports, 1936-1937 (2 folders) 193 Financial Reports, 1938-1956 (4 folders) Financial Statements, 1936-1955 (2 folders) 194 Report on Investments by Rockwell Hereford, 1937, 1941 Trust Indenture, 1919 Hurley, General Patrick J., 1936-1947, 1951 I General, 1933-1964 (2 folders) Ickes, Harold L., 1936-1946 Illness of Hoover, 1947-1964 Income Tax Printed Material and Clippings, 1932-1955 195 Corporation and Excess Profits Tax, 1932-1938 India Correspondence, 1945-1948 Relief Correspondence, 1945-1951 Clippings, 1951 (4 folders) Indian Affairs (American), 1939-1963 Individual Liberty, 1961 and undated Industrial Production Prices and Wages, 1934-1964 Printed Material and Clippings, 1938-1939 196 Study of Brookings Institute, 1935-1938

Industry Clipping, December 11, 1936 Inflation Correspondence, 1933-1936 Clippings, 1933-1960 (3 folders) Printed Material (2 folders) Inflation and Taxes, 1942-1959 197 Inflation in World War II – Correspondence, 1942-1943

Institute for Public Service, 1947-1960 Institute for Research in Social Science, 1957-1958 Institute for the Crippled and Disabled: Hoover Speech, 1949-1961 Institute of Applied Econometrics, 1939 Institute of Nutrition Sciences (Columbia University), 1958-1964 Institute of Public Administration Correspondence, 1933-1964 (2 folders) Minutes, Financial Reports, Printed Material, 1934-1942 (2 folders) 198 Minutes, Financial Reports, Printed Material, 1948-1964 (2 folders) Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM), 1952-1955 International A-Z, 1933-1964 International Affairs, 1957 International Association of Fire Chiefs, Inc., 1951-1960 International Bank for Reconstruction & Development Correspondence, 1947-1949 Clippings, 1946-1948 Printed Material, 1943-1946 199 Printed Material, 1947-1948, 1963 (4 folders) Press Releases, 1948-1949 International Benjamin Franklin Society Correspondence and Printed Material, 1949-1964 Clippings International Business Machine Company (IBM), 1942-1961 International Circulation Managers Hall of Fame, 1960 International Conference on Trade & Employment (London), 1946-1949 International Friendship League, Inc., 1950-1959 200 International News Service, 1934-1955 International Red Cross, 1942 International Rescue, Inc. (International Rescue and Relief Committee) Correspondence & Printed Material, 1949-1963 Reprints of Stories on Iron Curtain Escape Groups, 1951 International Statistical Institute, 1933-1949 Interventionist Organizations, 1939-1941 Iowa Award of the Centennial Memorial Committee, 1951-1952 (2 folders) Iowa Engineering Society, 1952-1964 201 Iowa “Navy" Honors, 1954 Iowa Senate Invitation to display picture of Hoover, 1943 Isis Statue, 1938-1955 Italy, 1936-1948 Izaak Walton League of America, 1933-1955 J General, 1933-1964 (2 folders) Jackson Hole National Monument Controversy, 1943-1944 (Wyoming) Jane Addams Centennial, 1959-1960 Japan – Japanese, 1933-1961 Jewish Council against Communism, 1962-1963 202 Jewish Response Letters to Hoover Statement of November 14, 1938 (5 folders)

Jewish-Zionist Correspondence, 1939-1950 and undated (2 folders) Clippings, 1946 (2 folders) 203 Clippings, 1947 Jews Correspondence, 1934-1961 Hoover Public Statement 2773 – Background Material, 1943-1944 John Birch Society, 1961 John Ericsson Society, 1945-1962 John Fritz Medal - Biography of Charles Metcalf Allen, Medalist for 1949 John Reed Kilpatrick Memorial Committee, 1960-1963 Johnson, Hiram - Memo Regarding His Papers, 1955 Johnson, Walter - Excerpts from "The Battle against Isolation", 1944 Johnston, Eric A. (USA Chamber of Commerce) Jordan, David Starr, 1931-1941 Judicial Matters, 1964 Junior Chambers of Commerce Correspondence A-N (2 folders) 204 Correspondence O-Z (2 folders) U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1935-1962 K General, 1933-1964 Karsh Photo on Newsweek Cover, 1949 Katanga, 1961-1963 Keep America Beautiful, Inc., 1958-1962 Keep America Out of War Committee, 1939-1942 Kellogg Foundation, 1951-1960 205 Kennedy, John F. - Inauguration Invitation, 1960-1961 Kenyon, William S. - News Reports of Death, 1933 Key Largo Anglers Club, 1950-1963 Keynoter, 1935 Kilgore Bill, 1943 King George VI of England - Hoover Statement on Death of King, 1952 Kiplinger Washington Letters, 1933-1957 Kissel, John, 1934 Kiwanis Clubs, 1933-1964 Korea, 1944-1959 Ku Klux Klan, 1937 L General (3 folders) 206 Labor Correspondence, 1936-1949 Clippings, 1933-1948 and undated (3 folders) Printed Material, 1933-1937 (2 folders) 207 Printed Material, 1938-1964 and undated (6 folders) Connally-Smith Bill, 1943 Labor Legislation, 1947 Labor Strikes and Lockouts: Statistics

Labor Unions, 1958 and undated Lafayette Bicentennial Observance, 1957 Lafayette Fellowship Foundation, Inc., 1957-1958 La Guardia, Fiorello H., 1933-1946 208 Landon, Alfred M. Clippings, 1937, 1943-1947 (2 folders) Hoover Topeka Visit: Clippings, 1936 Speeches and Clippings, 1941-1945 Latin America, 1954-1960 Latvia General, 1954-1957 Printed Material Laval, Pierre, undated Laymen's National Committee, Inc., 1942-1961 League for Constitutional Government, 1937-1939 League of Nations: Editorial Reprints of 1920 League of Nations Association, 1935-1937 Legal Aid Society, 1933-1954 Legge Memorial. Alexander Legge Memorial Committee Leland Stanford Jr. Kindergarten Trust, 1936-1960 209 Lend-Lease Bill, 1940-1948 (2 folders) Lewis, John L. Clippings Regarding Support of Willkie, 1940 Libraries Correspondence (2 folders) Folger Shakespeare Library, 1934-1935, 1960 Folger Shakespeare Library – Reports, 1960, 1962 Library of Congress, 1950-1956 Life Insurance Companies – Correspondence, 1933-1959 Life Magazine - Correspondence and Printed Material, 1938-1960 (book mark) The Lighthouse, 1949-1962 210 Lincoln, Abraham - Printed Material and Quotes Lincoln Clubs, 1934-1964 Lincoln County Historical Society, 1953-1955 Lincoln Day Observances Correspondence, 1935-1963 (2 folders) Clippings Lincoln Educational Foundation, 1951-1962 Lincoln Sesquicentennial Observance, 1959 Lindbergh, Charles A., 1934-1954 211 Links Club, 1949-1953 Lions Club, 1941-1964 "The Liquidation of Herbert Hoover" Reader's Digest, 1960 List, Friedrich-Biographical Sketch, 1954 Literary Digest Poll - 1934-1935 Lithuania. Printed Material Little League Baseball Foundation, 1954-1963 Lobbying, Clippings 1935-1936

London Economic Conference, 1933-1944 Long, Huey P. - Clippings and Printed Material Look Magazine, 1943-1964 Lotos Club, 1952-1962 Lovejoy Memorial Committee, 1941-1948 Luce, Clare Boothe and Henry, 1942-1947 Lyttelton, Oliver, 1942-1945 212 M General (4 folders) MacArthur, Douglas Correspondence, 1942-1964 Clippings, 1941-64 Firing ‘A-B’ 213 Firing ‘C-Z’ (5 folders) Printed Material 214 MacArthur Memorial Foundation, 1964 Mackinac Conference, 1937 McCarthy, Joseph R. Clippings, 1950-1954 Draft of "Owen Lattimore" and Correspondence 1952 (2 folders) McClellan, Senator John L. Remarks at New York Chamber of Commerce Dinner, 1958 McClure Newspaper Syndicate, 1938-1940 McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1933-1963 McMullin, Dare Stark, 1947 and undated Magazines and Publications Correspondence: A-Fo, 1933-1964 (3 folders) 215 Correspondence: Fr-Z, 1933-1964 (7 folders) Mailing and Shipping Procedures, 1933-1961 216 Manchurian Crisis, 1944-1951 Manion Forum, 1955-1964 Manpower Study by Hoover Bureau of Census Statistics, 1940-1942 Clippings, 1942-1943 (3 folders) Notes by Hoover, ca. 1942 Population by State, undated Printed Material, 1940-1963 and undated (2 folders) Mark Twain Award to Hoover, 1951-1964 Martin, Joseph W., Jr. 1941-1951 217 Medals, 1933-1963 Medford, Oregon - Copies of Correspondence, 1938-1958 Medicine and Medical Associations, 1950-1961 Melik Academy of Fine Arts, 1936-1937 Memberships - Accepted and Declined, 1933-1964 Mennonite Central Committee, 1939-1949 Merchandising – Des Moines Model Retail Grocery Store, undated Metals and Minerals - Lead and Zinc, 1933-1954

Metropolitan Club, 1949-1961 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1939-1958 Mexico, 1949-1963 Michelson, Charles, 1935-1939 Michigan Constitutional Convention, 1961-1962 Microfilming Presidential Papers: Hearing before Congress, 1957 Midwest Governors' Conference (Des Moines), 1943 218 Migrants, 1940-1963 Military Order of the Purple Heart, 1947-1961 Mills College Correspondence, 1933-1964 (4 folders) Council, 1933-1934 Endowment and Financial Data Institute of International Relations, 1935-1938 Report of the President, 1933-1936 219 Report of the President, 1937-1960 (2 folders) Treasurer's Report 1937-1941 Trustees Minutes, 1933-1937 (5 folders) 220 Minutes, 1938-1964 (8 folders) Printed Material, 1933-1964 221 Mills College Club of New York, 1938-1946 Mills, Ogden L. – Lectures and Speeches, 1935, undated Mining Inquiries Answered by Form Letter: A-E, 1933-1964 (9 folders) 222 Inquiries Answered by Form Letter: F-McCo, 1933-1964 (9 folders) 223 Inquiries Answered by Form Letter: McCr-Shaw, 1933-1964 (8 folders) 224 Inquiries Answered by Form Letter: Shep-Z, 1933-1964 (5 folders) Printed Material (2 folders) Mining Exhibits, Inc., 1937-1938 Mining, Geological and Metallurgical Institute, 1938-1939 Mining: Messina (Transvaal) Development Company LTD., 1953-1956 Mining and Metallurgical Society of America, 1937-1964 225 Mission to Moscow (Movie), 1943 Mississippi Flood of 1927, 1959-1963 Moles Award, 1949-1963 Moluccan Relief Foundation, 1958-1959 The Money Campaign – FDR Press Release, 1934 Montgomery Ward: Plant Seizure, 1944 Mooney, Thomas J., 1938 Moral Re-Armament, 1938-1961 Moratorium: 20th Anniversary, 1951 Morgenthau, Henry Jr., 1933-1947

Morse, Wayne. Political Morals and Wayne Morse, 1956 Morse Telegraph Club of America, Inc., 1958-1960 Motion Pictures, 1933-1959 Murphy, Frank, 1942 Museums and Art Galleries, 1933-1964 Music – Four songs by Lewis Somerville 226 Mutual Broadcasting System, 1939-1962 National A – Z, 1933-1964 (2 folders) N General A – Executive (3 folders) 227 Farm – Workers (5 folders) National Academy of Sciences Correspondence, 1937-1963 Annual Meetings, 1937-1962 Marcellus Hartley Fund and Medal, 1934-1943 228 Memoranda to Members, 1933-1964 Nomination Ballots, 1933-1964 (5 folders) 229 National Research Council Correspondence, 1933-40 Crusading for Pure Science (unpublished Hoover Article), undated National Science Fund, 1941-42 Printed – The Engineer and Society: Annual Meeting, 1964 National American Wholesale Grocer's Ass - Herbert Hoover Award, 1961 National Association of County Officials, 1961 National Association of Life Underwriters, 1956-1964 National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Correspondence, 1935-1963 Clippings and Press Releases, 1937 Printed – Platforms and Resolutions, 1934 National Association of Pro America, 1934-1958 230 National Association of Purchasing Agents, 1951-1963 National Association of Radio and TV Broadcasters, 1950-1964 National Association of Retired Civil Employees, 1957-1959 National Bellamy Award, 1961-1963 National Broadcasting Company Correspondence, 1935-1964 (3 folders) A Conversation with Mr. Hoover, 1955-1958 National Business Publications Silver Quill Award, 1955-1963 231 National Citizens League of America Award, 1935 National Civil Service League, 1945-1961 National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing, 1960 National Committee for Children and Youth (White House Conference), 1960-1963 National Committee for a Free Europe, Inc., 1952-1953 National Conference of Christians and Jews, 1938-1963 National Council for Community Improvement, 1948-1954

National Council for Prevention of War, 1935-1937 National Cultural Center, 1962 National Defense Army and Navy Testimony, 1940 Clippings, 1938-4190 (3 folders) Military Expenditures, 1940 Printed Material, 1933-1940 (2 folders) 232 National Economic League, 1936-1938 National Economy League, 1933-1940 National Education Association, 1933-1958 National Fund for Medical Education Correspondence, 1949-1963 (6 folders) 233 Minutes, Reports, Agendas, 1949-1963 (5 folders) Printed Material 234 Printed Material (2 folders) National Gallery of Art, 1949-1962 National Health Circle for Colored People, Inc., 1951-1961 National Health Council, 1934-1949 National Income Clippings, 1935-1940 and undated Printed Material, 1931-1938 National Industrial Conference Board Correspondence, 1937-1947 235 Correspondence, 1948-1964 (2 folders) Printed Material (8 folders) National Information Bureau, 1947-1964 National Institute of Social Sciences, 1933-1962 236 National Municipal League, 1939-1957 National Press Club, 1934-1962 National Recovery Act (NRA) Correspondence, 1933-1935 Clippings, 1931-1935 (4 folders) 237 Clippings, 1936-37 and undated Codes of Compliance, 1934-35 Miscellaneous Notes Printed Material, 1933-1936 and undated (3 folders) Review Board: Darrow Report, 1934 Supreme Court Decision Clippings, 1933-1935 Hoover Statement, 1935 National Recreation Association, 1938-1956 National Re-Dedication, 1938 238 National Republican Club, 1938-1950 National Review, 1954-1963

National Science Research Foundation, 1946 National Small Business Men's Association, 1938-1942 National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, 1940-1960 National Trust for Historic Preservation Correspondence, 1950-1962 Reports, Minutes, etc., 1950-1958 National War Labor Board, 1944-1946 National Youth Science Foundation, 1960-1963 Navy League of the U.S. Award, 1963 239 Nell Hill Letters (1892-95), 1953-1958 (Stanford boarding house, family, mining) Netherland-America Foundation, 1940-1962 Neutrality Act, 1938-1939 Neutrality and Embargo Bill: Letter to William R. Castle, 1939 New Deal – Criticism Clippings, 1935-1940 (2 folders) Correspondence, 1933-1938 New Deal Speeches, 1942-1945 The New Dealers: The Lowdown on the the Higher Ups, 1934 240 New York Board of Trade, 1950-1963 New York Central System, 1945-1956 New York City Famine Emergency Committee, 1946 New York City Gold Medal to Hoover, 1959 Office of the Mayor, 1936-1961 and undated (2 folders) New York Committee to Win the Peace (Communist), 1946 New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1951-1963 New York Historical Society, 1948-1960 New York Journal American, 1942-1952 New York Life Insurance Company Correspondence, 1934-1954 (2 folders) 241 Reports to Directors 1941 New York Society of Association Executives Award, 1959 New York State: Foreign Populations, undated New York Stock Exchange, 1933-1934 New York Times, 1933-1963 New York World's Fairs (1940 and 1964-1965) Correspondence, 1940-1964 Meetings of Members & Directors, 1961-1963 (3 folders) Meetings of Members & Directors, 1963-1964 (2 folders) Press Releases and clippings, 1963-1964 Printed Material, 1962-1964 242 Newberg, Oregon Correspondence, 1934-1964 (3 folders) Dedication of the Hoover Home, 1955 (2 folders) Printed Material, 1934-1963 Newspaper Boys of America, Inc., 1935-1936 Newspapers and Press Services

Akron-Duluth (3 folders) 243 Editor-San Marino (8 folders) 244 Santa Cruz-Yreka (2 folders) Newsreels and Recordings, 1934-1962 Newsweek, 1940-1960 Nielsen Ratings, 1955-1957 Nixon, Richard Clippings, 1955-1958 Speeches and Statements, 1958-1959 Nobel Peace Petition for Dr. John R. Mott, 1933-1934 Nobel Peace Prize - Nomination of Hoover, 1965 North Atlantic Security Pact - "Council of Europe", 1949 Norway, 1940-1961 245 Nursing Profession, 1941-1959 Nut Letters (2 Folders RESTRICTED) Nutrition Foundation, Inc., 1951-1959 O General, 1933-1964 Office of Civilian Defense: Block Plan, 1942-43 Office of Price Administration, 1942-43 Office of War Information, 1943-44 Ohio Society of New York Oil and Gas Control Act (Proposition No. 5 on California Primary), 1939 Oil Industry Correspondence & Printed Material, 1933-1956 246 Clippings, 1943-1948, undated (2 folders) Printed Material, 1943 Problems - Booklet 1934 Olympic Games, 1960 Opinion Research Corporation, 1952-1964 (2 folders) Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1954-1958 Optimist International, 1952-1964 Order of Demolay, 1933-1934 Order of Lafayette: Citation of Hoover, 1959-1962 Overseas Press Club – Correspondence, 1939-1960 P General: Pa-Pen, 1933-1964 (2 folders) 247 P General: People-Pu, 1933-1964 Pacific Area - Golden Gate International Exposition, 1938-1939 Pacific Union Club, 1955-1961 Paderewski Foundation, Inc. General, 1948-1963 Gold Medal to Hoover, 1962 Pakistan, 1961 Palestine, 1945-1951 Panama, 1948-1949 Pan-American Trade Committee, 1939-1940 "Panic of 1907", 1933

Paracas Mantle, 1956-1962 Parade Publications, Inc., 1955-1962 Peace Plans Clippings, 1942-1943 (3 folders) 248 Clippings, 1943 Printed Material, 1942-1944 and undated (2 folders) Peace Proposal by Howard Davis (Hoover for War Mediator) – Correspondence and Petitions, 1939 (4 folders) Pearl Harbor Hoover Diary of Events, 1941 249 Printed Material and Clippings, 1941-1959 (3 folders Pennsylvania Society, 1947-1958 Pennsylvania State Fish & Game Protective Association, 1937-1939 Philadelphia, 1961 Philippines, 1933-1939 Pierpont Morgan Library, 1943-1948 Pillsbury Essay Contest, 1945-1946 Pioche, Nevada – Questions put to Hoover by local citizens, July 1945 (map) Pitney-Bowes Inc., 1949-1961 Plato Quotations, undated The Players, New York City, 1952-1960 Poetry sent to Hoover, 1933-1964 250 Poetry sent to Hoover, 1933-1964 (2 folders) Poland Correspondence, 1934-1957 Printed Material, 1939-1963 Relief: 1939-1948 Polish-Soviet Relations, 1918-44 Political Editorial "Method in the Madness", 1960 251 Printed Material and Cross References, 1934-1964 and undated (3 folders) Political Lampoons of the New Deal Politics – Maryland, 1935-1936 Pope Pius XII - Hoover Statement on Death, 1958 Population, 1936 and undated Portraits Fine Arts Commission for White House, 1933-1940 Hoover Portrait by Frank Salisbury for New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1933-1936 Portraits, Carvings, Engravings, Photographs, etc., 1933-1966 (2 folders) Portraits of the Presidents, 1948-1964 252 Power Regulation, 1935-1939 Prayer in Schools, 1958-1963 Prentiss, Mark - Correspondence Concerning Hoover as an Author, 1940 Presidential Appointments of JFK through February 8, 1961

Cabinet Biographies, 1927-1929 Clippings, 1938-1964 (3 folders) Disability, 1958-1964 Flag, 1955-1958 Libraries, 1955-1958 Miscellaneous, 1933-61 Papers - Disposition of, 1945-1953 and undated Pensions and Other Benefits, 1958 (3 folders) 253 Pensions and Other Benefits, 1958-1960 (2 folders) Powers, 1936 Press Relations, 1961 Salary – Correspondence, 1938-1955 Salary – Statement by Hoover, 1956 and undated [31-hhpp-sub-b253-f06] President's Committee on Administrative Management, 1937 Press General, 1942-1943 Freedom of the Press, 1933-1934 Press Clipping Service, 1945-1960 Press and Union League Club of San Francisco, 1955-1961 (Hoover off the record comments) Prices, 1936-1939 Princeton University Press, 1959 Prison Association of California, 1940-1941 Prohibition, 1933-1960 Propaganda Americans United for World Organization, 1944 254 Americans United for World Organization, 1945-1947 and undated (3 folders) Clippings, 1935-1940 In Fact, 1945 Printed Material, 1934-1961 and undated Public Building Program, 1937-1938 Public Funds, 1934-1935 Public Health, 1938-1939 Public Positions and Distinctions of Hoover, 1957 Public Utility Act of 1935 (Wheeler-Rayburn Bill) Public Works Administration (PWA), 1933-1934 Publishing Houses: A-C 255 Publishing Houses: D-Z (4 folders) Publishing Houses of Hoover Books, undated Puerto Rico, 1933-1958 Quakers, undated Queen Elizabeth's Visit Oct 21, 1957 Quips (Speech Material) R General: Ra-Religion 256 R General: Republican-Ry Radio Correspondence, 1933-1965 and undated (4 folders)

Broadcasting Magazine, 1935-1950 (2 folders) Hoover on Izaak Walton's The Compleat Angler: CBS Broadcast May 18, 1947 Clippings, 1947 257 Clippings, 1947 (3 folders) Printed Material and Clippings, 1935-1962 Radio Case - U.S. v RCA, 1937-1938 Radio Church Associates, 1949-1950 Radio Club of America - Golden Jubilee Book, 1959 Radio Corporation of America [RCA], 1941-1962 258 Radio Free Europe, 1953-1958 Radio Pioneers, 1949-1956 Radio and Television Executives Society - Award to Hoover, 1960 Railroads Correspondence, 1933-1964 New York Central, 1933-1952 Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1933-1956 Railroad Reorganization Correspondence, 1938-1939 Clippings, 1936-1938 Ramp Festival - Crosby, Tennessee, 1955-1956 Rapidan Camp Correspondence, 1932-1948 Printed Material 259 Readers' Digest Correspondence, 1936-1964 (2 folders) Real Estate Boards, 1939-1951 Reconstruction - Post World War II Printed Material, 1939-1942 (5 folders) 260 Printed Material, 1942-1945 (8 folders) 261 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Correspondence, 1942-1951 and undated Addresses by Jesse H. Jones, 1934-1939 Clippings, 1933-1951 (5 folders) 262 Press Releases, 1934-1943 (2 folders) Printed Material, 1932-1951 and undated (4 folders) Seven Year Report by Jesse Jones, 1939 Refugees, 1949-1961 263 Relief – Domestic Correspondence, 1933-1939 Clippings, 1934-1939 and undated (2 folders) Costs, 1934-1940 and undated (2 folders) Printed Material & Clippings, 1933-1939 Relief – Foreign Clippings, 1940-1944 (2 folders)

264 Clippings, 1945-1947 (3 folders) Lehman, Herbert H. – Clippings, 1940-1943 and undated (3 folders) Marshall Plan – Printed Material, 1947-1961 Printed Material, 1942-1956 Religion in American Life, 1950-1962 Religious Propaganda, 1936, 1959–1964 Remington Rand, 1946-1956 Reorganization Bill, 1937-1939 265 Reparations, 1947-1949 Republican Mid-Term Conference Correspondence, 1937-1939 Hoover Calendar, 1937 Republican National Committee Correspondence, 1934-1962 (2 folders) Clippings, 1944-1964 Printed Material, 1934-1964 Republican National Convention, 1944 Republican Organizations Alabama, 1935 Alaska, 1934-1953 Arizona, 1935-1959 Arkansas, 1933-1940 266 California, 1933-1964 (5 folders) Colorado, 1963-1964 Connecticut, 1938-1960 Delaware, 1951 Florida, 1935-1963 Georgia, 1963 Idaho, 1936-1960 Illinois, 1934-1959 Indiana, 1934-1962 Iowa, 1934-1963 Kansas, 1933-1939 Kentucky, 1933-1963 267 Louisiana, 1949 Maryland, 1935-1964 Massachusetts, 1933-1951 Michigan, 1936-1957 Minnesota, 1935-1951 Mississippi, 1940 Missouri, 1935-1956 Montana, 1936-1951 Nebraska, 1935-1960 Nevada, 1939-1953 New Jersey, 1933-1963 New Mexico, 1938 New York, 1933-1964 (3 folders)

268 North Carolina, 1937-1950 North Dakota, 1939 Ohio, 1934-1958 Oklahoma, 1933-1949 Oregon, 1933-1955 Pennsylvania, 1933-1954 Rhode Island, 1949 South Carolina, 1933-1939 South Dakota, 1935-1938 Tennessee, 1939 Texas, 1933-1964 Utah, 1936-1938 Vermont, 1938 Virginia, 1933-1960 Washington, D.C., 1933-1963 Washington, 1934-1964 (2 folders) West Virginia, 1935-1938 Wisconsin, 1939-1964 Women's Organizations, 1934-1938 (2 folders) 269 Women’s Organizations, 1939-1964 (3 folders) Republican Policy Committee, 1936-1950 Republican Record, 1937 Requests for Aid Correspondence General A-G, 1933-1964 (3 folders) 270 General H–T, 1933-1964 (8 folders) 271 General U-Z, 1933-1964 Forwarded for Information to Donna Amsden, 1933 A.C. Backus, 1933 Mrs. R.J. Burdette, 1933-1934 Arthur Hyde, 1934 Edgar Rickard, 1933-1935 Requests - Miscellaneous, 1940-1960 Research Institute of America, Inc., 1959-1960 Resources for the Future, Inc., 1953-1954 Reynolds, Bruce, 1935-1938 Richard E. Byrd Memorial, New Zealand, 1962-1964 Rickenbacker, Captain Eddie - Speeches and Clippings, 1943-1948 Robert A. Taft Memorial Foundation, Inc., 1954-1964 (2 folders) 272 Robinson, Senator Joseph T. 1935-1936 Rockefeller Foundation, 1937-1963 Roosevelt, Eleanor. Babies Just Babies, Edited by E Roosevelt, 1932 Roosevelt, Elliott Airmail Contracts and Plane Sales, 1936 Loans, 1945 Roosevelt, Franklin D. Articles and speeches, 1933-1939

Attitude toward Catholics, undated Books by FDR, 1933 Breakdown (Economic) Quotations, 1933-1934 Business Attacks, 1936-1939 Business Regulation, 1936-1939 Business Suggestions, 1938-1939 CAMCO (Consolidated Automatic Merchandising Corporation), 1927-1936 Clippings, 1920-1930 (2 folders) 273 Clippings, 1931-1944 (8 folders) 274 Clippings, 1945-1960 (5 folders) Commissions Appointed as Governor 1929-1932 Comparison of Hoover and FDR Administrations, 1936 and undated Democratic Convention, 1932 Democratic Miscellaneous, 1931-1938 Disability of FDR, 1931 Drafts on FDR 275 Family Activities – Clippings, 1933-1953 (2 folders) Farm at Hyde Park, 1932 Federal Communications Commission, 4/13/32 Federal International Banking Corporation, 1932 Ford, Henry, 1938 Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Clippings, 1938-1939 Indian Funds, Transfer of, 1932 Ku Klux Klan, 1931-1932 Little Business to FDR (National Small Business Men's Association), 1937-1939 Miscellaneous, 1930-1944 Monopoly, 1937-1939 National Recovery Act (NRA), undated Navy Contracts - Correspondence 1932, Copies 1917-1918 New Deal Promissory Note - Blank Form New Deal - What Has It Done for Specific States?, 1934 New York State Situation, 1931-1932 Nineteen Hundred Thirty-fourth Psalm, undated Photos of FDR – Ban, 1935-1936 276 Power - Statements on, 1932 Promises - List and Memos, 1932-1933 Public Statements and Articles Lists, 1920-1932 Index of Topics 1917-32 1917-1929 (4 folders) 277 1929-1932 (7 folders) 278 1932 (3 folders) Printed Material, 1933-1945 Quotations from FDR's Speeches (3 folders) Quotes on FDR and Roosevelt Clan, 1932-1936

279 Roosevelt Record, 1935 Securities – New York Legislation Regarding Issuance and Practice, 1932 Shearon Letter Promising Employment to all Labor At All Times, 1932 Social Security – Clippings, 1935 Third Term, 1940 Threats against FDR, 1936 Unemployment, 1931 United European Investors, Ltd. – German Marks, 1932 Western Trip, 1932 Roosevelt, James General, 1936-1939 Saturday Evening Post Article, 1959 Rose Bowl Game, 1933-1934 The Rotarian, 1942-1960 Rotary Clubs A–Z, 1933-64 (2 folders) 87th Birthday Tribute by Davenport and Des Moines Clubs, 1961 Rotary International, 1935-1958 280 Rubber, 1943-1946 Rural Electrification Administration, 1936-1937 Russell Sage Foundation, 1935-1948 Russia Correspondence, 1933-1964 Printed Material, 1944-1963 and undated Riga Agreement - Maxim Gorky's Appeal Russian Relief, 1940-1962 Russian Student Fund, 1933-1963 S General-Sa-Si, 1933-1964 (3 folders) 281 S General-Sk-Sz, 1933-1964 Saint Lawrence Seaway Correspondence, 1933-1964 and undated (2 folders) Clippings, 1934-1957 Construction Progress Reports, 1957-1959 (2 folders) 282 Opening, 1959 Printed Material, 1934-1960 Salvation Army – Correspondence and Printed Material, 1933-1964 (2 folders) San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Correspondence, 1933-1948 Annual Reports, 1935-1938 (2 folders) Printed Material and Clippings, 1935-1939 and undated Sarnoff, David - Tribute by U.S. Senate, August 30, 1961 283 Saturday Evening Post, 1934-62 (2 folders) Saturday Review, 1957-1961 Save The Children Federation, Inc., 1940-1964 (2 folders) Save the Children Fund, 1932-1939 Save the Redwoods League, 1936-1962

Savings and Loan Industry, 1953-1959 Sawyer, Charles, 1948 Scattergood School, 1939, 1955 Scheidenhelm Project, 1953-1955 Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. Correspondence, 1951-1959 284 Printed Material The Age of Roosevelt: The Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1933 Clippings, 1957 Schools: A-Z, 1933-1964 (5 folders) 285 Schools Named for Hoover, 1954-1964 Science National Science Fund National Youth Science Foundation Scientific Research, 1945-1959 Scientific Research Society of America, 1952 Securities & Exchange Commission, 1936 Segregation, 1963-1964 Selective Service, 1943-1945 Semitism and Anti-Semitism, 1937-1940 Senate Committee on Government Operations: Administrative Vice President Proposal, 1960 Senate Concurrent Resolution 96 – 80th Birthday Greetings to Hoover, 1954 Senator at Large Role for Former Presidents H.R. 504, 1947 H.R. 3886, 1952-1955 Senior Citizens, 1958-1963 Seventeen Magazine, 1961-1962 Shakespeare, 1947-1963 Shipping - War Losses of Merchant Shipping, 1934-1945 Shriners Award to Hoover, 1955 Silvercruys, Madame Suzanne, 1939 and undated Simpson, Kenneth, 1938-1939 286 Sinclair, Upton - Campaign Material, 1934 Smedley Butler Affair - Clippings, 1934 Smithsonian Institution, 1952-1964 Smoking (Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, etc.), 1935-1964 Smuts, Jan Christian, 1941-1948 Social Science Research Council, 1933-1937 Social Security Correspondence and Printed Material, 1933-1964 Clippings, 1935-1939, undated (2 folders) 287 Printed Materials, 1934-1939 and undated (5 folders) Socialism, 1947-1961 Socialized Medicine, 1958-1961 Societe Royale Belge Des Ingenieurs Et Des Industriels, 1953-1960 Society, A-Z, 1933-1964

Society for the Advancement of Management, 1937-1964 Society of the Cincinnati, 1934-1963 Society of Industrial Engineers, 1933 288 Sokolsky, George Broadcasts, 1947-1955 (8 folders) 289 Broadcasts, 1956-60 (2 folders) Clippings, 1947 Sons of the American Revolution, 1935-1964 (2 folders) Sons of the Revolution, 1938-1963 South America, 1935-1940 Southern Committee to Uphold the Constitution, 1935-1936 Spain - Clippings, 1943-1951 Speculation, 1935-1936 and undated Speech Arrangements, 1941-1949 Speech Material – Unidentified, undated Sports America (Eunice Kennedy), 1947-1948 290 Sports Illustrated, 1955-61 Stamps, Stamp Collectors, Philatelic Societies, First Day Covers, 1933-1960 Standards Bureau, 1956 Standards Engineers Society, 1954-1964 Stanford Convalescent Home, 1948-1961 Stanford University Correspondence, 1933-1951 (5 folders) 291 Correspondence, 1952-1964 (2 folders) Alumni Association and Alumni Clubs, 1935-1961 Alumni Association Presentation of Hoover Medal for Distinguished Service to Hoover, 1962-1963 Applications of Specific Students, 1937-1961 (2 folders) Associated Students, 1942-1962 Big Tree Station, 1947 Board of Trustees Correspondence, 1933-1937 292 Correspondence, 1938-1963 (4 folders) List of Trustees, 1885-1961 Minutes, 1929-April 1950 (3 folders) 293 Minutes, May 1950-1953 (9 folders) 294 Minutes, Oct. 1956-1961 (2 folders) Career of Hoover – Biographical Sketches Commencement of HH, May 28, 1895 Daily, 1934-1962 Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, 1940-1942 Financial Reports, 1948-1960 (2 folders) Food Research Institute, 1940-1958 Football Experiences of Hoover

295 Fund Development, 1936-1964 (3 folders) Graduate School of Business – Correspondence, 1938-1961 Hoover Poll of Faculty Correspondence, 1941 Clippings Compilation of Questionnaires Hoover's Letter to Signers of Faculty Declaration of Sep 22, 1941 296 Hoover Statement to Stanford Daily, Oct 2, 1941 Responses not acknowledged Responses of Non-signers: Anonymous (3 folders) Responses of Original Signers: Anonymous Responses of Original Signers: Detailed Land Development Correspondence, 1933-1960 297 Master Plan for Stanford Lands, 1953 Libraries, 1937-1949 Medical Center General, 1942-1961 (2 folders) Clippings, 1952-1956 Printed Material, 1954-1965 PACE Fundraising Program (Plan of Action for a Challenging Era), 1961 298 PACE Fundraising Program, 1961-1964 Printed Material, 1960-1964 and undated (5 folders) 299 Printed Material, undated (2 folders) Paderewski Concert Promoted by Hoover in 1893, 1938 Proposed Hotel Management Course: Statler Foundation, 1958 Quad Yearbook, 1941-1956 Reports of the President, 1946-1950 Research Institute – Correspondence, 1951-1960 Residences of Hoover, 1955-1960 Stanford Review, 1928-1963 Stanford Union and Women's Clubhouse, 1920-1960 300 Stanford University Press, 1938-1962 (2 folders) What Hoover has done for Stanford University, 1958 Miscellaneous, 1926-1963 State Department, 1944-1951 State Historical Society of Iowa, 1938-1964 Stationery (blank) Statler Hotels Delaware Corporation, 1954-1958 Steuben Parade Plaque, 1964 Steuben Society of America Award to Hoover, 1954 Stevens Institute of Technology – Honorary Degree, 1939 301 Stimson, Henry L. Clippings, 1941-1950 and undated

Papers at Yale, 1959 Stimson Plan, 1937-1941 Strauss, Lewis, 1958-1960 Sugar Production and Tariff, undated Sullivan letter, undated Supreme Court Correspondence, 1934-1937 Clippings, 1935-1958 and undated (4 folders) Printed Material, 1935-1963 and undated 302 Supreme Court Packing, 1937 (3 folders) Supreme Court Reorganization Clippings, 1937 (3 folders) Sweden, 1946-1948 Systems and Procedures Association of America, 1956 T General, 1933-1964 (2 folders) 303 Taft, Robert A. – Clippings and Printed Material, 1941-1954 (5 folders) Taft-Hartley Bill, 1947-1949 304 Tariff Correspondence, 1933-53 Printed Material and Clippings, 1929, 1953-1954 and undated (2 folders) Tariff Commission – Resignation & Report of Henry P. Fletcher, 1931 Taxes and Taxation Clippings, 1933-1940, undated (4 folders) Income Tax: Tax Incidence, 1951-1952 305 Printed Material, 1933-1963 and undated (7 folders) Tax Foundation, 1938-1957 306 Tax Justice League of Pennsylvania, Inc., 1950-1952 Taxpayers Groups Correspondence, 1933-1964 Cuyahoga Tax League, 1937 Technology - Contributions to American Civilization Telegram Seizure by Black Lobby Committee, March 1936 Television Correspondence, 1951-1964 (2 folders) First Transmission by Hoover - 1927, 1952-1957 Temple University Survey of Federal Reorganization, 1952-1953 (2 folders) Temporary National Economic Committee, 1939 Tennessee Valley Authority Correspondence and Printed Material, 1933-1940 and undated 307 Clippings, 1935-1975 and undated (2 folders) Textile Foundation and Textile Research Institute, 1935-1960 Theodore Roosevelt Association, 1948-1962 Third Party, 1957-1959 Thirty Hour Week, 1933 This Week, 1939-1963 (squirrel story)

Thomas E. Edison Foundation, 1939-1961 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, 1949-1957 Thompson, Dorothy - On the Record, 1956-1957 (2 folders) Time, Inc., 1937-1963 308 Tolan Committee on Interstate Migration, 1940 Town Hall, Inc., 1940-1958 Townsend Plan column by Phil Warnock Correspondence, 1934-1940 and undated (2 folders) Clippings, 1935-1936 Printed Material, 1935-1936 and undated (2 folders) Townsend-Skinner & Company, 1938-1939 Trade Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 1935 American Farm Bureau, 1936-1938 Balance of Interest Payments of the U.S. in 1936, 1937 Canadian-American Trade Agreement Correspondence, 1935 Analysis of Provisions, 1935 309 Clippings, 1934-1962 and undated Printed Material, 1934-1962 Text of Agreements, 1935, 1938 (2 folders) Foreign Trade, 1934-1939 (2 folders) Hull, Cordell, 1933-1938 Import and Export-Acreage Lost Acreage Lost, 1929-1938 Agriculture, 1929-1939 California Agriculture Products, 1929-1939 310 California Agriculture Products: Fruit, 1929-1939 Conversion Figures, undated Food, 1932-1936 Meat, 1929-1938 Nation: Net Figures, 1929-1938 Textiles, 1931-1938 Latin American, 1934-1938 Reciprocal Trade Agreements, 1936-1939 (2 folders) Relationships between Imports & Unemployment (NAM), undated Tariff Correspondence, 1932-1935 Lumber, 1935-1938 Printed Material, 1945-1948 Statistics, Memos, Summaries, 1932-1958 (2 folders) 311 Trade Agreements Brazil, 1935 Great Britain, 1938 World Trade, 1935-1963 Treasury Department, 1934-1939 Treaties and Agreements Broken by U.S.S.R., 1946-1955

Tribute to the Chief, 1948 Trieste, 1946-1948 Trips: 1938 European Trip Austria Correspondence Printed Material (photos of home for tubercular children) Belgium Correspondence, February 1938 312 Correspondence, March-August 1938 (4 folders) Arrangements and Follow-Up, 1935-1938 (2 folders) Commission for Relief in Belgium meeting Memorabilia Clippings Columns by Paul Smith Foreign Papers (2 folders) 313 Foreign Papers (7 folders) 314 Foreign Papers (6 folders) Polish Papers 315 U.S. Papers, January-April (4 folders) Codes: "Stockholm" Czechoslovakia Estonia Finland (2 folders) France Lille (February 24) Paris (February 25-27) 316 General File (2 folders) Germany, 1938 [31-hhpp-sub-b316-f03] Gifts, Honors and Awards Itinerary Latvia Passports and Visas Poland Correspondence Poznan and Krakow Warsaw Scrapbooks 317 Herbert Hoover Looks at Europe Remember HH S.S. Normandie S.S. Washington Summaries and Impressions of the Trip Galpin's Summary of Trip, 1938 [31-hhpp-sub-b317-f04] Galpin Material Given to Suda Bane Rickard's Summary of Talks with Hoover, 1938 [31-hhpp-sub-317-f06]

Suda Bane's Summary Correspondence Drafts (2 folders) Typed Original and Carbons Sweden Switzerland Trips: 1938 Pacific Northwest (July) Trips: 1939 Colorado Trips: 1945 Washington (June) & Chicago (September) 318 Trips: 1947 Germany and Austria Clippings, Jan-August (2 folders) General Memoranda of Conversations Trips: 1954 Germany Background Material 319 Berlin Bonn Clippings, 1954-1955 (2 folders) Correspondence, 1954-1955 (4 folders) Data from American Legation Diary of Dr. Fordyce St. John HH Letters of Appreciation Itineraries Memo of the Trip Miscellany Stuttgart 320 Tuebingen Scrapbooks German Press Reaction U.S. Press Reaction Trips: 1958 Belgium Correspondence, 1958 A – F 321 Dulles, John Foster Eisenhower, Dwight G – H Herter, Christian A. K – T Royal Family V – Y Briefings on Belgian Government, June-July 1958 Clippings Honors Book Itinerary and Schedules, June-July 1958 Passport Application, June 1958 Printed Material

322 Printed Material Speech Correspondence: Individuals (2 folders) Correspondence: Press Background Material Copies and Printed Versions Drafts Press and Radio Arrangements Response Mail (2 folders) 323 Truman, Harry S. Clippings, 1945-1946 September (6 folders) 324 Clippings, 1946 October-1949 (7 folders, includes Inauguration) 325 Clippings, 1949-1964 (2 folders) Truman Library, 1955-1962 Tugwell, Rexford, 1934-1936 Tugwell-Feis Memo, November 1933 Tuna Club, 1933-1963 Turkey, 1944-1948 U General, 1933-1964 (2 folders) Ukrainian Relief, 1940 Ulmanis, Karl, 1923-1949 Unemployment and Unemployment Statistics, 1933-1940 Unification of the Armed Forces Correspondence, 1949 326 Clippings, 1945-47 Printed Material – Statements to Armed Services Committee Investigating the B–36 and Related Matters, 1949 (6 folders) Union League of Philadelphia, 1936-1961 Union League Club of Chicago, 1936-1958 (Hoover Report) 327 Union League Clubs of New York and San Francisco, 1936-1955 United China Relief, 1941-1946 United Community Campaigns of America, 1955-1964 United Engineering Center, 1959-1960 and undated United Engineering Trustees, 1940-1963 (2 folders) United Mine Workers Journal, 1944 United Nations, 1947-1962 Correspondence, 1947-1962 328 Ad Hoc Restrictive Business Practices Committee Background and Findings Report Charter Revision, 1954-1955 Conference: Paris, 1948 Conference: San Francisco - Clippings, 1945 (5 folders) 329 Conference on Conservation and Utilization of Resources, 1949

Conference on Food and Agriculture (Hot Springs, Virginia) - Clippings, 1943 (5 folders) Final Reports, 1943 Numbered Documents: 1-80 (2 folders) 330 Numbered Documents: 81-312 (8 folders) 331 Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1948-1956 Correspondence, 1948-1956 Clippings, 1945-1949 Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), 1943-1963 Correspondence, 1943-1963 Clippings, 1945-1948 Special Meeting on Food Problems General, 1947 Printed Material, 1946 Reports, 1946-1948 International Children's Emergency Fund Correspondence, 1947-1964 Printed Material & Clippings, 1947-1961and undated Miscellaneous Printed Material, 1953-1964 332 Monetary and Financial Conference (Bretton Woods) Clippings, 1943-1946 (2 folders) Printed Material, 1944-1945 Relief & Rehabilitation (UNRRA) Correspondence, 1942-1950 and undated (3 folders) 333 Correspondence - Lehman, Director Herbert H., 1942-1943 Clippings, 1941-1945 September (7 folders) 334 Clippings, 1945-1946 April (7 folders) 335 Clippings, 1946 May-1950 and undated (2 folders) Conference on Relief and Rehabilitation. Atlantic City, November, 1943 Agreement, First Session of Council, Reports, etc. Journal, No. 19 (2 folders) Journal No. 21 Printed Material, 1942-1945 (3 folders) Press Releases, 1945 Printed Material, 1918, 1942-1945 (3 folders) 336 Printed Material, 1946-1948 Voting: Hoover Memo, 1952 World Court, 1946 United Press Associations, 1934-60 (2 folders) United Service Organizations, 1941-61 United States Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (Hoover commissions) General, 1950-1964 (2 folders)

337 Administrative Vice President Proposal Clippings, 1948-1960 and undated Correspondence, 1955-1956 Documents on "Double Cross" (2 folders) Printed Material, 1949-1961 Statistics and Memos, 1945-1947 Third Hoover Commission, 1964 United States Committee on Large Dams, 1958 338 United States Flag Association, 1936-1940 United States Government Printing Office, 1942-1962 United States Information Agency, 1954-1962 United States Military Academy, 1951-1962 United States Naval Academy, 1957 United States News and U.S. News and World Reports, 1935-1953 United States Steel Corporation, 1959 University Clubs General, 1933-1957 Boston, 1934-1963 New York, 1939-1962 University Commission on Tax Bill, 1942-1943 Unknown Jewish Martyr Tomb, 1953 V General, 1933-1964 339 Vandenberg, Arthur H. Memo on Vandenberg Statements, 1952 Clippings, 1936-1948 Variety Clubs International, 1949-1960 Veteran Wireless Operators Association, 1955 Veterans Administration, 1953-1956 Veterans Bonus Bill, 1935-1936 Veterans Organizations General, 1933-1964 Disabled American Veterans of the World War, 1933-1940 Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1934-1964 Vinson, Chief Justice, 1945-1946 Volunteers of America, 1952-1955 340 W General, 1933-1964 (4 folders) Wade, G.E., 1939 (New Deal, dams) Wages, 1935-1938 341 Waldorf-Astoria, 1933-1964 Waldorf Schools Fund, Inc., 1947-1948 Wall Street Journal, 1941-1954 Wallace, Henry A. Addresses and Statements, 1934-1951 and undated Clippings, 1934-1945 (6 folders) 342 Clippings, 1946-1948 (3 folders) Testimony: House Committee on Expenditures in Government

Departments, 1945 War Casualties and Costs, 1945-1949 War Production Board, 1942-1944 Warren, Earl, 1951-1964 Washington Post, 1933-1960 Water Resources, 1938-1964 343 We the People radio program – National Coalition of Conservative Voters), 1938-1960 Wecter, Dixon – Age of the Great Depression, 1948 Welles, Sumner Addresses and Statements, 1938-1945 Clippings, 1942-1949 and undated (5 folders) Wells, H.G., 1934 West Branch Addie's Autograph Book: Hoover entry American Heritage Day, 1961 Booklet, Herbert Hoover of West Branch by Ray Sweigert, Jr., 1956 344 Boyhood Days, 1935-1937 Cemetery at West Milton, Ohio, 1950-1951 Centennial Souvenir Program, 1951 Herbert Hoover Birthplace Foundation, Inc. (and predecessors) – Clippings, 1954-1955 Heritage Foundation, 1964 Library-Museum Architect's Drawings (moved to map cases) Construction, 1959-1961 Dedication, Aug 10, 1962 Broadcast and Press Coverage, 1962 Brochure, 1962 Correspondence, 1962 Guests Lists Invitation lists (2 folders) 345 Printed Material and Clippings Schedule of Travel and Events, 1962 Establishment, 1960-1962 Landscaping, 1964 Miscellaneous Clippings Observance of Hoover's 74th Birthday, 1948 (3 folders) Observance of Hoover's 80th Birthday, 1954 Plaque Ceremony, June 30, 1952 Quaker Meeting House, 1928-1963 Shelter House, 1951-1953 Town Restoration, 1964 West Branch Times Clippings (Business Directory, Classified Ads, Obituaries of Hoover's parents) 346 West Side Association of Commerce in the City of New York, 1949-1964 Western Aviation – Wings of Commerce by Herbert Hoover, 1960 Western Society of Engineers, 1933-1964

Westfall, Paul, 1940-1941 Westtown School (Pennsylvania), 1952-1961 White, William Allen, 1943 White House, 1949-1961 Who's Who, 1940-1964 (2 folders) Will Rogers Memorial Committee, 1935-1936 (2 folders) William Allen White Memorial Foundation, 1945-1946 William Howard Taft Memorial Association, 1961 347 Wilson, Woodrow, 1938-1963 (2 folders) Woman's Home Companion, 1948 Women, 1933 Women Defenders of America, 1937-1938 Women's Clubs, 1933-1964 Women's Hoover Club, 1938-1945 Women's Rebellion, 1938 Wooley Camp Association, 1933-1938 Wooster, Ohio Sesquicentennial, 1958 Work with Boys in the Financial District, 1934-1935 Works Progress Administration (WPA) Correspondence, 1935-1939 Graft, 1936-1938 348 World Council of Christian Education and Sunday School Association, 1948-1952 World Fellowship of Faiths, 1933-1938 World Narcotic Defense Association, 1933-1935 World Order, 1943-1945 and undated World Peace, 1941-1948 World War I - Chronology – 1941 World Wars I and II Notes and Memoranda, 1941-1945 and undated 349 Printed Material and Clippings, 1938-1962, undated (3 folders) V-E Day Clippings, 1945 World War Veterans Bonus General, 1933-1951 March, 1932-1959 Smears, 1933-1949 World's Fair - New York City, 1939 XYZ General, 1933-1964 Yalta memo comments, 1951 350 Young, Clarence M., 1929 Young Americans for Freedom, Inc., 1962 Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), 1933-1964 (2 folders) Young Republicans Young Women's Christian Association, 1933-1964 Youth, 1935-1940 Youth Salutes the President, 1956

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A FIELD TRIP GUIDE TO - Herbert Hoover Presidential ...· standards, maps, and lesson plans. [emailprotected]. A FIELD TRIP. GUIDE TO. THE HERBERT HOOVER. Presidential Library-Museum

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Home - Hoover Presidential Foundation

AVAILABLE FROM Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, P.O ...INSTITUTION Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum, West. Branch, IA. PUB DATE. 94. NOTE 43p.; For related documents,

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GET UP CLOSE AND - Iowa€¦· HERBERT HOOVER PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY-MUSEUM The only Iowa-born U.S. president, Hoover was orphaned at age 9, became a mining engineer, amassed a fortune

Great Depression and Herbert Hoover· 2018-08-16· Courtesy of Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, Hoover, Herbert, 4 March 1929 Description Newly-elected Herbert Hoover

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Warren Harding 1920’s. Herbert Hoover American President Herbert Hoover in a color engraving.The Granger Collection, New York

A FIELD TRIP GUIDE TO - Herbert Hoover Presidential ...· Hoover was right, and would feel the backlash, or effects, of the decline after he became President. Secretary of Commerce

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.