The Green Defender - Spacemanstripe (2024)

Chapter Text

[Now playing; A news broadcast from June 17, 2050 (about 11 months ago from today.)]

Good evening. This is Annie Nelson, reporting live from Channel 7 News. I am sad to be the bearer of bad news but our beloved side hero, Tolkien Black, or you probably know him as

Dr Portal has gone missing. Portal, known for being our city’s protector, was last seen three seven days ago, and his sudden disappearance has sent shockwaves through the city.

Authorities have launched an extensive search operation, working hard to find any leads that might have led to Tolkien’s disappearance. Police Chief, Kevin Stoley, is urging you to contact 213-677-7890 if you have any information, no matter how small, that could assist in their investigation. In a statement earlier today, Thomas Tucker emphasized, “We are doing everything in our power to bring Tolkien back home. His bravery and commitment to this city and our family deserve nothing less than our full effort.”

While we wait for more updates, let us all keep Tolkien Black and his family in our thoughts and prayers. In times like these, we all need to be strong and brave. I will repeat myself once again, if you have any information, we urge you to contact 213-677-7890.

This is Annie nelson with Channel 7 News. Stay with us for updates on the disappearance of Tolkien Black.


The three were sitting around the dinner table, as Tweek told them mostly everything.

“So, okay- basically you and your parents knew about your ability since you were a kid, but couldn’t show them because you had no intention of becoming a hero? And the only way you could’ve controlled your ability was taking Lilliate?” Bebe asked.

“Basically…” Tweek sighed.

“Tweek, I’m gonna need to see these powers of yours.” Clyde exclaimed.

Tweek felt like a ball of emotions. He felt free that he finally told his friends about everything he’s been keeping in his whole life, but he also felt petrified for what life had in store for him in the future. Was Michaelot telling the truth? What did Mrs Rodgers mean about his “future journey”? Was Tweek going to be living as The Green Defender permanently? Tweek had no idea, there were so many things going wrong right now.

“Don’t stress him out!” Bebe snapped at Clyde as she slightly pushed him.


“It’s fine.” Tweek stated.

Tweek was never in a situation where he could show his power to others, so he felt a hint of awkwardness.

“So- uh- I can basically glitch my body through anything, objects as well.” Tweek said, reaching out for a fork on the table.

“So, like if I were to use my ability on this fork-“

Tweek focused on the fork eventually glitching the fork through the table and onto the floor.

“It would do that.” Tweek finished his sentence.

Tweek also thought back to Michaelot’s glitching hand, but he didn’t understand how he had done that, so he decided not to bring it up.

“This is so much to process.” Bebe said with a hand rubbing her forehead.

“Man, I am so jealous of you!” Clyde said.

“So, are you going to join the superheroes?”

Clyde asked trying to keep in the big fat smile growing on his face.

Tweek didn’t know but he had a feeling that the decision was already made for him.

Before Tweek could respond, a knocking sound came from the front door.

“I’ll get it” Clyde got up front his seat and went to open the door.

“I am speaking on behalf of the Tucker Residence, I am Red Tucker and who we have here beside me is Jimmy Valmer. We would like to know if you knew of a Tweek Tweak.”

Everyone’s eyes widened. Clyde began to subtly look back at Bebe and Tweek, asking what to say with his eyes. Tweek began to furiously shake his head.

“Tweek? I-I don’t seem to recall anyone named Tweek? Yeah- I don’t know who you’re talking about? What was did you say was his name again? C-creek?”

Clyde looked back at the two once again and did a small wink. Bebe had slapped her forehead and Tweek looked down in disappointment.

“Sir, we know that he’s here, so you might as well just cut the act.”

The subtle threat caused Clyde to let them in as he held the door for the two.

“Am I going to jail?” Clyde whispered distraughtly into Red’s ear.


“Okay, good” Clyde sighed, right after he mouthed sorry to Bebe and Tweek.

Red and Jimmy made their way into the living room. They were both wearing black button ups, black pants, and black dress shoes. They also had on black sunglasses and beanies, before they took them off when they made it inside. Red had short bright red hair and dark blue eyes, Jimmy had brown here and light brown eyes, he also was walking with a cane.

The two faced their bodies to where they could see Bebe and Tweek.

“Hello, if you didn’t already hear me, my name is Red and this here is-“

“J-J-Jimmy Valmer! They obviously h-h-h-heard us!” Jimmy said, with a playful tone in his voice.

Red closed her eyes as she sighed.

“Anyways… We are going to need to speak to Tweek Tweak in private.

When Red said that, Tweek felt a lump form in his throat.

“Whatever you have to say to Tweek, you can say to us!” Bebe said while glaring at Red.

“I am afraid we cannot do that, because the information we contain is strictly confidential.” Red seemed to be way more serious compared to Jimmy. The way her face looked, the way she held her posture, the way she spoke, Jimmy on the other hand, he had a more playful tone of voice and a smile on his face.

Clyde had joined the side of the room where Tweek and Bebe were standing.

“I-I don’t want to talk to you!” Tweek yelled.

“I won’t even be the one talking to you- Jimmy will.” Red tried to keep a content tone but she couldn’t help but feel slightly offended.

Tweek looked at Red, then at Jimmy, who had a smile on his face.

“Okay, y-you can follow me..” Tweek said.

“W-wait! T-Tweek are you sure?” Bebe asked Tweek, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Tweek hummed and proceeded to lead Jimmy to the guest bedroom where he shut the door behind him.

Jimmy went straight to sit on the bed.

“W-woah! This is n-n-nice!” Jimmy sighed as he laid on the covers.

“Uhm.” Tweek hummed. He really didn’t know what to say, he was pretty confused.

“Work has been s-s-so annoying. Red is always right u-u-up my a-a-ass!” Jimmy laughs.

“L-let’s j-j-just chill for a second.”

Jimmy didn’t seem very professional. Tweek went to sit beside Jimmy.

“Y-you sure do shake a lot!” Jimmy noticed.


“Do you wanna see a card trick?” Jimmy asked swiftly.

“U-uh sure.” Tweek replied

Jimmy got up to stand in front of Tweek as he pulled out a pretty deck of cards from his pocket. Tweek was expecting an old-fashioned “Was this your card?” Trick, but to Tweek’s surprise, it wasn’t. Jimmy was juggling them, balancing them on his arms and fingers, spinning them, it was very impressive to Tweek. After Jimmy finished his tricks, he snapped his fingers.

“I see you’re imp-p-pressed!” Jimmy laughed.

Tweek, couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, was it that obvious?

“Anyways, we actually d-do have to talk a-bout important things.” Jimmy fixed his posture and the smile faded on his face.

“The truth is, we are in trouble. I c-can’t say t-t-too much right n-now because it’s a lot, but do y-you remember that “Super Human” who at-t-ttacked you?” Jimmy asked Tweek.

“Michaelot? He said he was from another p-planet?” Tweek stated.

Jimmy looked at Tweek with distraught.

“H-he said that earth was in great danger! And that their q-queen-!” Tweek’s voice began to get louder and his body began to shake even more.

“Shh! Sorry to be a d-d-dick, but we can’t have y-your friends hearing this!”

In the back of Tweek’s mind he knew that Michaelot was telling the truth, but he didn’t want to believe it. Now that Tweek was hearing Jimmy confirm that the end of the world could possibly happen soon, he felt like exploding.

“We’re going to need your ability to help us fight against K'oh Kajan. Y-your ability is truly amazing, the way you stopped…Michaelot’s.. telekinesis like that, we could r-r-really use that to our advantage! Especially against the queen!”

Jimmy’s praise felt bittersweet to Tweek. Tweek had barely any experience using his ability, he was no where near ready to be in an actual fight, ESPECIALLY when the fight is supposed to be against aliens from a different planet. If anything he felt terrified right now.

“If you were to help us, you’d spend two months in our headquarters. W-w-we’d help you t-t-train, and you’d meet the other h-heroes-“

“I don’t want to be a hero!” Tweek yelled, interrupting Jimmy’s sentence.

“An-d you w-won’t have to b-b-be one!”

Jimmy said, catching Tweek’s attention. Jimmy’s voice sounded desperate and sad.

“If you help u-us, you won’t h-have to be a hero! J-j-just please.” Jimmy pleaded.

Tweek wanted to say no, but saying no wouldn’t make it go away, it wouldn’t have stopped the end of the world. 10 years ago, Tweek would’ve never knew that that something like this would be happening. Tweek’s parents went to jail just to protect Tweek from being taken by Heroes, so it physically pained Tweek to say-

“O-okay! I-I’ll do it!” Tweek yelled.

Jimmy smiled.

“Okay, then it’s settled. Red and I will p-p-p-pick up you at YOUR place exactly at f-f-five! No later!” Jimmy reached out his hand to dab up Tweek, Tweek had thought it was a handshake so the interaction was a tad awkward. Jimmy made his way to the door, before leaving he told Tweek-

“By the way, you c-cannot tell any living soul about what I ju-just told you, like Red s-said, this is confidential.”

The pair made their way to the living room to see Bebe, Clyde, and Red in awkward silence in the living room. Jimmy gave Red a thumbs, and they both got their disguises ready to leave.

“It’s a pleasure to have you join us today!” Red said with a smile on her face. The Two left soon after.

“S-so what happened?!” Clyde asked.

Tweek knew Jimmy told him not to tell another person about it, but Tweek could not keep it to himself.


Tweek found splurging out words, but his sentence cut off right as he was about to tell the couple what Jimmy had told him.

“What?!” Bebe yelled.

Tweek had tried to yell again, but his voice got cut off like the last time. Clyde and Bebe had confused looks on their faces. Tweek didn’t blame them though, because he was just as confused.

“Tweek? What’s on your face?” Bebe pointed on her cheek, showing where the mark was located on Tweek’s face.

Tweek laid a hand on his cheek and ran to the bathroom mirror while Bebe and Clyde followed.”

“Tweek-?” Bebe repeated herself.

Tweek looked at his reflection and saw a small red diamond on his cheek. Seeing the red diamond reminded him of Jimmy’s card trick he had shown him. Instead of yelling it, Tweek had tried saying what Jimmy told him out loud, and yet again, his voice cut off. Tweek understood now, Jimmy was just as professional as Red.

“Jimmy… he has an ability! H-he’s using it on me right now!“ Tweek cried.

“Ugh, that is so cool- Ow!” Clyde rubbed his arm where Bebe shoved it.

Tweek looked at his mirror some more and took a big deep breath. Since Tweek wasn’t allowed to say what was currently going on, he had to bend the truth.

“I-I’m- I’m becoming a hero, and I have to leave at five to start my training.” Tweek explained.

Clyde started to smile until it quickly faded.

“I mean I have nothing to lose, right?” Tweek said with a sad smile.

Clyde and Bebe respected his decision. They drove him home, where they had also helped him pack. The clock was moving fast and it was eventually time for Tweek to leave. The trio was waiting outside for whoever was picking up Tweek.

“Here, I wanted you to bring this.” Clyde pulls out a Polaroid picture of the trio in high school.

“So you can remember us.”

Tweek took the picture, and smiled. The gift made Tweek start to cry.

“Thank you!” Tweek said, looking at the floor. After Tweek thanked him, Clyde pulled him in for a hug. After the hug broke, Bebe immediately hugged Tweek.

“Be safe for me.” Bebe whispered.

Tweek hugged back not responding. Before they knew it, it had turned 5, and a black limousine showed up, how subtle. They did their final goodbyes and Tweek walked in the vehicle with his suitcase.

When he entered the limo, he was greeted by Jimmy.

“S-s-sup!” Jimmy said with a goofy smile. Tweek noticed that he had the same red diamond that appeared on his cheek.

“Hi!” Tweek sounded like he needed to get his fear out of his chest.

Tweek looked around the limo, setting his luggage beside him, he also ended up seeing Red and greeting her as well.

“T-Tweek! Oh m-m-man! The place we are

h-heading to is truly t-t-top notch!” Jimmy cheered.

“Once we get there, I will show you your room and you can get settled in. Craig won’t be here until seven, so you can just roam the place, maybe make some friends with the other heros here.”

Tweek could not believe that he was doing this, that this was even happening right now. When Red mentioned that there would be other heroes there, he felt all sorts of nerves bubbling up in his chest. All though he didn’t want to be a hero and heavily disliked Craig, he still liked heroes. What if they didn’t like him? What if they were mean? What if he didn’t like them. Tweek didn’t want to listen to his dreading thoughts anymore, instead, he looked out the window where the view of the trees and nature calmed him down.

“We’re here.” Red said.

Time had flown by fast once again.

When Tweek walked out the door, he was confused, because the building they had driven to seemed to be a small house on a hill, beside the beach.

“T-Tweek! Stay behind Red, we wouldn’t want you running a-away!” Jimmy demanded.

And just like that, Tweek was listening to Jimmy, moving behind Red with his luggage without a thought. Red led everyone inside the house, and to Tweek’s surprise, it was completely empty. All that was in the house was an elevator the trio eventually entered in. Red pushed a button, and the three started going down.

Now this place really looked like where Tweek was going to be spending his 2 months in. The place looked nice in Tweek’s opinion. The shape of the place reminded Tweek of an upside down T. There was a big hexagon shaped room as the entrance with a long hallway connected to it, with a big door at the end of the hall.

On the left side of the entrance consisted of a living room, it had three couches surrounding a coffee table and TV, it looked very cozy. On the right side of the entrance was a kitchen, the kitchen had a bar counter with 4 bar stools separating it from the rest of the entrance.

Other than the man behind the counter, the place was empty.

“Let me show you your room.” Red said.

Red stopped at the second door to the right and opened the door for Tweek to enter.

“W-woah! This looks like a hotel suite!?”

Tweek was ecstatic.

It was a very spacious room. It had a double sized bed in the center of the room with a bench at the front of the bed, in front of the bench was a couch and a TV against the wall, with a small table in the middle. The left side of the room had a bathroom, and the left corner had a dresser.

“Nice, right?” Jimmy said, nudging Tweek’s arm.

“And this is j-j-just a guest room, imagine how “suite” m-mine is!” Jimmy bragged, laughing at his own joke

“Sp-peaking of r-rooms, I’m going back to mine.” Jimmy had said goodbye to everyone and made his way to the elevator.

“The others should be out of their training session in a little bit, for now you can settle in.” Red started walking away.

“Craig will be here in an hour.” Red told Tweek before walking away completely.

This was the first time Tweek has been alone today. Yeah, even though Tweek was in a luxurious aesthetically pleasing bedroom right now, he had to keep in mind why he was there in the first place. Tweek pulled out his phone to text Clyde and Bebe that he was okay, but something inside of Tweek told him he shouldn’t say anything else. Tweek put his clothes in the dresser, stuffed animals on the bed, and he ended up putting the polaroid picture in the empty picture frame on the nightstand. All of a sudden, Tweek heard a bunch of people entering the building. It was time for Tweek to meet the other heroes, and oh boy, Tweek was insanely anxious. Tweek opened his door to find a group of people sitting in the kitchen and living room, eating dinner. No one seemed to notice Tweek except for a blonde sitting in the living room.

“Well well well! You must be the Green Defender!” The blonde said while making his way to Tweek.

“Uh- Hi, I’m T-Tweek!” Tweek said to the blonde.

“Oh I know, Craig talked about you! Anyways, my name is Kenny” The blonde chuckled.

Kenny had a pretty charismatic voice. He had brown eyes, a short mullet, and he was wearing a tank top with basketball shorts.

“You’re a hero, right?” Tweek asked.

“Yeah, dude.” Kenny replied.

“So, what’s your hero name? Un-unless it’s “Kenny”, I’m not too familiar with heroes from other cities!” Tweek really did not want to make a bad impression.

Kenny looked back to scan the room.

“Let’s go to those two bar stools. I’ll tell you about everyone.” Kenny smiled at Tweek before making his way to the bar stools. When they made it there, another blonde was eating on the counter as well.

“Well hey fellas!” The other blonde said.

He had a different shade of blonde than Kenny’s, his was more lighter, and his eyes were a baby blue.

“Sup, Butters. Tweek this is Butters, Butters this is Tweek”

“Heya, Tweek!” Butters cheered.

“His superhero name is Vic Chaos, he can basically transform into anyone he’s seen before.”

Tweek felt like Butter’s had a friendly energy towards him, plus he had a really cool ability. Maybe Tweek didn’t have to feel too nervous after all.

“And that guy over there, with the black hair, his name is Stan AKA the Tidal Titan.” Kenny pointed at Stan sitting on the couch.

“We like to sh*t on him for making his identity public.” Kenny chuckled.

“He has the ability to control water and the density of it too.”

Stan had a pretty interesting energy according to Tweek, but Tweek couldn’t deny that his ability was pretty damn amazing.

“The guy he’s chilling with is Kyle, I think he’s one of the smartest guys here.”

“His hero name is Red Ember, and he can shoot fireballs from his hands.”

Tweek watched as Kyle talked to Stan, and to Tweek, Kyle seemed like a pretty chill dude he could get along with. (…….lmao)

“Andddddd, last but not least, Wendy!” Kenny points at the girl who had just came in the base, walking to her room.

“She’s the only girl hero besides Red, she also dated Stan, it did not end well by the way.” Kenny whispered.

“Her hero name is Amaunet. She can blow gusts of wind out of her mouth and create loud noises, she also control the wind around her.”

Wendy… Tweek could’ve sworn he had heard that name somewhere. Tweek is very grateful for Kenny, because now Tweek doesn’t feel completely lost about everyone here.

“Wait- what about you?” Tweek asked.

“Me?” Kenny asked.


Tweek was confused about why Kenny was avoiding talking about himself, but he’s sure he had his own reasons.

“I can’t die.” Kenny said.

Oh em gee. Although Tweek wasn’t educated on heroes, he did know Mysterion. Mysterion was very different compared to the other heroes, he never sugar coated things and did what he was always so grounded in his ways, that was why Tweek was able to remember who Mysterion was.

“Y-you’re Mysterion!” Tweek gasped.

Kenny laughed at the shocked face Tweek made.

“I w-would’ve never guessed that-!” Tweek laughed.

Kenny seemed more friendly and chill compared to Mysterion. Tweek definitely felt like him and Kenny would make good friends.

As Kenny and Tweek were talking, someone entered the building.

It was none other than-

“Oh right- that guy over there is Craig Tucker, but you probably already know him.” Kenny said.

“Hey, Kenny.” Craig greeted.

Craig had a very monotone voice, but to Tweek, it did match his face. Craig looked tired as hell, he had black hair, dark blue eyes, and he was pretty tall.

“Sup, Craig.” Kenny told Craig.

Craig looked down at Kenny, then at Tweek right after. Craig looked at Tweek up and down before putting his hand out for a handshake.

“Tweek, it’s nice to see you.”

“Who the f*ck does this guy think he is?” Tweek thought to himself, Tweek did not appreciate the look Craig gave him before the handshake.

“Okay, man.” Although Tweek had reciprocated the handshake, he gave much attitude.

Craig raised his eyebrows.

“We have to talk, in private.” Craig said.

“I guess- we’ll just talk in my room?” Tweek looked at Kenny before he got up from his chair to walk inside his room. Craig walked inside and scanned the room subtly and noticed one of Tweek’s stuffed animals.

“You watch Red Racer?” Craig asked with a blank expression on his face.

“Just- What do we have t-to talk about-!” Tweek snarled.

Craig was not making a good first impression.

“It’s going to be a lot to process, so if you want we cou-“

Tweek Interrupted Craig before he could finish his suggestion.

“Look man- just tell me! Today cannot get any more sh*tty, okay?!” Tweek snapped.

Tweek had enough of everything. He’s had so many bombs dropped on him this week, he was over it. Craig got quiet, and his eyes slightly widened. Craig cleared his breath before speaking once again.

“The gas that gave many people their powers in the 1930’s, was caused by the planet K'oh Kajan. K'oh Kajan had no intentions of giving humans powers, the gas was initially supposed to transform humans into Kokujonians, but it failed. One day, the prince of the planet, found beauty in Earth and once he had became king, he made an oath to my ancestors to protect us. Now, the queen wants to claim Earth once again, by war and fighting.” Craig explained to Tweek.

Tweek’s eyes widened. Tweek was shocked to hear that this has been happening for years, for decades.

“How do you know?” Tweek asked, his voice sounding slightly softer than before.

“The king basically raised me.” Said Craig.

The room was silent, the only noise made was the squeak of the bed when Tweek sat on it.

Tweek had his body slouched and his head in his hands, while Craig stayed standing in front of him.

“WAHHHHHH!” Tweek yelled in his hands.

“Do you need time to process this?” Craig questioned.

Tweek gave no reply, just a deep sigh.

“I wanted to take a closer look at your ability today as well.” Craig said.

Tweek glared up at the guy, Jeez how could this guy be so insensitive.

“Fine- let’s just get this over with.” Tweek muttered.

Craig led Tweek to the big door at the end of the hall, inside was an empty training room. Tweek’s eyes were hurting by the bright white lighting in the room. The place had metal walls and floors, with built in benches on the left and right walls, beside each bench was gym mirrors, and a door at the end of the right wall. Craig grabbed a punching dummy from out of the door and placed it in front of Tweek.

“Can you show me your ability, please?” Craig requested.

Tweek had done what Craig had requested and used his ability, glitching the dummy as well as glitching through the dummy.

Craig was pleased with Tweek’s cooperation.

Craig had continued asked questions about Tweek’s ability for a good five minutes, until Tweek had started training with Craig.

“I want you to handle this like you handled Michaelot’s telekinesis.” Craig demanded.

Craig had made a big ball of light with his hands.

“A-Are you crazy?! I don’t know how yet!” Tweek yelled.

Craig didn’t listen and ended up throwing the ball of light anyways. Tweek had scrunched his body up to dodge the attack instead of glitching it.

“I told you I couldn’t do it!” Tweek cried.

Tweek felt his face grow hot from anger. Tweek had barely started using his ability, why was Craig expecting so high from him.

“You can do it, you’re just scared.” Craig yelled from across the room.

“Of course I’m scared, man! That was way too much pressure!” Tweek yelled.

“I won’t let anything happen to you!” Craig yelled.

Everything that came out of Craig’s mouth still made Tweek very angry, but the words of reassurance felt nice for Tweek. Craig had thrown another ball of light and to Tweek’s surprise, he had glitched through it.

“I- I did it!” Tweek sighed of relief. Tweek didn’t know he had it in him, but he was glad he got it over with.

“Good, your ability is really amazing.” Craig observed as he walked closer to Tweek.

“Can you glitch other people though?” Craig asked.

“I- I don’t know, I’ve never tried before.” Tweek said.

Tweek had never thought of glitching another person before, he’s never had to really think about this stuff until now.

“I- guess I can try…” Tweek muttered.

Craig had stayed making eye contact with Tweek as Tweek tried to glitch him, Tweek had felt very awkward. Tweek eventually broke the eye contact, stepping back.

“I don’t think I can.” Tweek observed.

Craig had said nothing in response, instead he put his hand on Tweek’s shoulder causing Tweek to flinch at the sudden touch.

“Try again.” Craig suggested.

And just like that Tweek listened, it did not end up working.

Craig and Tweek continued trying different things to come to the conclusion that Tweek could in fact not glitch other people.

The pair had moved on to combat. Luckily for Tweek, he had been practicing boxing for years, so Tweek wasn’t too nervous to show off his combat skills. Tweek had started off punching the dummy, to show Craig how he fought.

“Very good, Tweek. You can practice with me now.” Craig said.

Tweek was excited and nervous at the same time. Tweek loved fighting, he always had, he also didn’t like Craig. Craig had stood still for Tweek to throw his fight punch. Craig ended up dodging all of Tweek’s hits, this made Tweek feel very frustrated and angry at himself. Tweek thought he would’ve done better, Tweek began to use his pent up frustration and anger to make one final punch against Craig. Tweek’s punch was able to hit Craig’s jaw, but before Tweek could react, Craig had grabbed Tweek’s arm and flipped him landing on his back. While Tweek layed on the floor, he looked up to find that Craig’s mouth was bleeding. Tweek had cracked at this point. Craig had lent his hand out to help Tweek up, but Tweek refused his help, slapping his hand away. Tweek didn’t want to deal with any of this anymore and started heading his way out the door, Craig started following. Craig had followed Tweek into his room, to see him sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.

“Tweek?” Asked Craig.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen! I was never supposed to even show my ability! I was never supposed to be here!” Tweek cried.

Craig went to sit next to the blonde, causing Tweek to look up at him, exchanging eye contact. Tweeks eye’s showed sadness before reverting back to anger quickly.

“Do- do you even remember me?!” Tweek raised his voice.

Craig didn’t reply. Tweek hated that Craig didn’t reply.

“Richard and Helen Tweak?! How could you not remember!” Tweek yelled.

“Well, I do now. That was my first ever case.

I was just doing my job.” Craig explained.

“Just doing my job, are you kidding me?” Tweek thought to himself. The answer Tweek would’ve accepted was “I was protecting you” or “I wanted you to be safe”, but “I was just doing my job”? Craig was more cruel than Tweek had initially thought.

“They- they were just trying to protect me! They wanted me to keep my childhood! They just wanted me to be safe!” Tweek yelled before looking back at the floor.

“Well, how was your childhood?” Craig questioned.

Tweek froze when Craig had asked that question. Looking back at his childhood, Tweek was isolated by his parents from everyone else so it wasn’t like he had many friends, not to mention always feeling dazed by the Lilliate and drinking he’d do. Even if Tweek’s childhood wasn’t good, it was only because of his ability anyways.

“Oh, so now you care?!” Tweek yelled, his face growing a bright red.

Craig sighed in frustration.

“Lilliate is illegal because it is deadly, not because it’s some kind of “rare gem”. I’ve seen cases including Lillate before, they’re all either murders or homicides.” Craig stated.

“What are you implying?” Tweek snarled.

“Parents do not give their kids drugs and alcohol, no matter what.” Craig said.

Tweek knew that what his parents did was bad, but he had always thought that because it was out of love, it all of a sudden made it okay. Maybe that was an unhealthy way of thinking and Tweek was just now figuring it out. Tweek started to cry beside Craig, as Craig sat there awkwardly.

“Look, you don’t have to like me, but we have to think logically at a time like this. So please, let’s work this out.”

Tweek hated to admit it, but Craig was right. There was a new and way more important thing to worry about now.

“Tweek- uh, did you eat today?” Craig asked.

“I ate breakfast.” Tweek replied.

Tweek didn’t realize he had forgotten to eat, he was too focused on everything else.

“Did you- did you wanna eat with me?” Craig asked.

Was Tweek’s eyes deceiving him, or was Craig nervous? Either way, Tweek was somewhat ready to get to know Craig.

“Okay.” Tweek nodded.

The two headed to the kitchen just in time, the chef was just about to leave.

“Chef! Could you cook Tweek and I something real quick.”

“Okay, but I’m getting outta here right after!” Chef said.

“What do you wanna eat?” Craig asked Tweek.

“U-uh what do they have?” Tweek nervously asked.

“Anything.” Craig replied.

“Can I have a steak, medium rare? With water on the side?” Craig ordered.

There were endless possibilities on what Tweek could eat for dinner, it was freaking him out.

“GAHH! CHICKEN WINGS?” Tweek blurted out.

Craig looked at Tweek with concern.

Chef had moved behind the counter and placed two plates next to each other, as well as steel covers over them. On each plate, Chef had placed his hands on each of the plates, and when he revealed what was inside each steel dome, it was what they asked for. Tweek thought it was so cool, and he was beyond grateful.

“W-woah! Chef, that was amazing!” Tweek cheered.

“Thanks, Twitchy child!” Chef replied with a smile.

When Chef left the base, Tweek and Craig sat to eat their meals.

Tweek looked at his meal and noticed that Chef had also made him a Strawberry milkshake.

“Dude! He gave me a milkshake too!” Tweek laughed.

This milkshake was definitely the highlight of Tweek’s day. Before Tweek started eating, he noticed Craig’s mouth bleeding again.

“Craig-.” Tweek whispered, he couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty.

“You’re good, Tweek.” Craig had placed his hand on his mouth as a golden bright light came out, healing his mouth. Although Tweek didn’t like Craig, he was impressed.

“What’s your ability?” Asked Tweek.

“I can heal and blast things.” Craig answered.

To Tweek, it didn’t sound as cool, but it had to be, right? Craig is a part of a family of pure blooded super humans after all.

“Do you have a name for it?” Tweek wondered.


Tweek noticed that Craig was really dry.

“Well, what stuff do you like?”

“I think space is cool.”

“Hmmm.. How about you name it “Abilities Orbit”? It’s space themed, and you seem to have more than one ability.” Tweek suggested.

Craig looked at the blonde and smiled.

“I’ll think about it.” Craig chuckled.

Tweek had never seen Craig show any other emotion than “meh”, Tweek couldn’t help but feel a little proud of himself.

“Just trying to help, that’s all.” Tweek stated.

Tweek needed time to dissolve the resentment he had towards Craig, but also at the end of the day Tweek didn’t have to befriend Craig, he just had to cooperate with him.

“Yup.” Craig said as he popped the “p”.

The two had continued to eat their meals in silence, Tweek really enjoyed Chef’s cooking.

“Well, I’m going to head to my room now.” Tweek yawned.

Before Tweek walked away, Craig had gently grabbed Tweek’s wrist causing him to look back. They looked at each before they both broke eye contact and Craig quickly let go.

Craig cleared his throat.

“I was thinking, can we do this tomorrow?

L-like the whole training thing of course-“

Tweek was feeling odd, but training with Craig would help Tweek with getting used to him.

The duo looked at each other again as Tweek slowly nodded his head. After that small moment, Tweek walked back to his room where he replayed the moment in his head until he fell asleep.

The Green Defender - Spacemanstripe (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.